r34 j, Conclufion. The faithful ` are hopeful. Rom. I. Definitionof Hope. t Pet. i. 9 Rom. S. z4. ..lopes.richorhold, or, Chrifl ( for that is the meaning of the Apoftle,) therefore again(t theConfequent arifeth this Conclufon : Therefore weare not ofoilmen the memiferable,nay;eve are not miferableat all. You feehere are terms in theText ofgreat confequence ; here islife,lìereishope; here is Chrifi, here is men, here is m: fery; and here is all things almoft that can be faid, either concerningHeaven,or earth. Nowmark, it is not Paid, If in this life we bave hope,we are miferable ; neither, ifwe'ha.ve hope in Chrift in thislife then are we miferable ; notfo : but ifour hope be onlyin thin life, and (tick there, and go no furtherthan fo, thenwe aremiferable. There aretwo Emphaticaf terms in the Text we mutt take notice df, and thatis only in the former part, and molt ofall in the latter part : only in the former part, that ftraitneth, andreftraineth ourhope; molt ofallin the latterpart, that inlargeth our mifery t and fo it may well, for when thehope is reftrained to the prefent, there themifery may be infinitelyinlarged. But not for the prefent is our hope ; only for the prefent, ergo, &c. I need fay nomore, it is the Text. I Ihall raife toyou fix feveral Cotifeftarïes, or Corrollaries, or Contlufions, that naturally arifeout ofthisScripture;andLpurpofe atthis time to run therriAl through; itmutt be roundly, it (hallbe plainly ; doyouhear patiently. The firft Affertion weMake out ofthe Text, it is this ; that, Thefaithful arehopeful. The godly have hope we havehope, that is takenfor granted. The fecond, concernethtbeobjettof this hope ; and the Pointisehis; that,' Chrifß is the object oftbeChrif1ians hope. we bade hopein Chrifí{. The third, istouching thetime ofour hope, and that isfor this life ; the Le(fon is this; that The life-time, is our hope-time. we havehope in this'bfe. The fourth is; that; Hope in thislife, it is not only of the things of tbie life: Not onlyof this life ; for ifin this life only wehavehope: ohno, take thataway, ourhopei%iift life, isfide onlyPet uponthe thingsof this life. If in tbia life only; not fo. Fifthly, this life, you fee how thatftandeth convertiblewith another term inthe Text, withmifery ; (hewing thus much ; that, Thu life it mifirable. The Taft is ; that, Thefaithful, the hopeful, they are not ofall the ntefmoferable,tbey are not miferable at all. Then were we miferable, but the former being not true, that cannotbetrue., Thefe are thefix Points. Of which, to content my felfwith a touchofthem as I pafsalong,and fo only to prefent them feverally unto you, Ibregirt with'did firft ; that, The faithful, they are hopeful. trehave hope, fo are the words; Faith irthe evidence of things hopedfor, fo faith the Apoftle, Heb. rt. r. And theythat have accefr throughthin Grace, they rejoyet in bòpe o f shegloryofGod: they gojoyned together. Hope is a conflantexpetlarien of the performanceoffucbpromifetof Gad, at we ap- prehend out ofhis Word, byfaith. For example : Faith,doth believe Gods promifesto be true; Hope,doth exre&theperformance of them according to that truth. ByFaith, we believeGod to beour Father; ,try Hope, we expe& that hefhould (hew himfelffilchaone to us. By Faith, we do believe eternal life; byHope, we attend when thislife (hall be revealed. Spe, (as one fpeaks) what is it elfe,butperfeverantiafidei,thcperfeverance ofFaith. Faith is the Mother, Hope is the Daughter; theMother is incouraged and comfortedbythedaughter, as Naomi was by Ruth. Hence it is, that the holy Apoftle Saint Peter, hé afcribed the falvation ofour fends to our faith ; faying, that the end ofourfaith, is the falvation of our fouls: Well, and Saint Paul, he affureth the fame to belong untoHope; faying, we are Pavedby Hope. So then, Faith faith, I believe thefe bleffedprotnifes ofGodto be true;