436 Hopes Ánchor-hock/, or, griefbegin, before his a$jiEtion comes upon him : this fameFear bath a great deal 'lob. 4. rß tev,"' 8 ofpainfulnefs in it. Where the fearful are, they are Phut out with the unfaithful ; and without pall be dogs, with thole that are fubje& to thisfearfulnefs. Now Hope cometh to a man and faith, Though I fometime be affraid,yet put I my truft in God, and therefore 1 willnot fearwhat man can do unto me, I will not be clamed with any kind offlavifh terrour. Hold out thou that faifl thou hall faith, and be not afraid Itfa]. us. s2 of the eA'rrow thatflierby day, nor of the terrour bynight. Here is the hindranceof this hope taken away. Then there is anempatient s7arit, that many times poffi f%th men. An impatient Pfa {.9t S. fpirit, and a hopeful heart, they arc both as contrary'as can be ; You iii all have many a man fo touchy, that hecannot endure any delay, he muff have things come according to his own mind, or he lofeth his patience prefently. Oh but f roil/pati- entlywait for the lord, faith hope. And here is the oppofition that mull bemade P(al.4o.1. for the maintenance of this hope againfl all kind of impatiency : Inpatience poffefi yourfouls. Luke at. 29. The lafl hindrance, is death. The laff enemy that(hall bedefirayed is death: We i Coa is. ió have many enemies in this world,00rvery life is awarfare, but amongll all the fight- ings and combates wemeet with in the world, there is none comparable to this laft finglecombate we mutt undergo with death it felf; this is a terrible affiult that be- tideth the hopeful, faithfulman ; to know thatnotwithftanding all his faith, and all his hope, and all his love, and all his patience, whatgrace or vertue foever hebath' job 57. r ;. elfe, yet notwithltanding hemull go down to thegrave, makehis bedin thedar4nefr and liedown in thedull and whenhe hath fought all that he can,yet notwithflind- ing hemull down, he mull yield, he muff take the foyl, the fall in the body howfo- ever the foul efcapeth. Now hereis akind ofdifmaidmcnt ofhope. But Twill tell you Heb 11: 57. how itisfpoken of the faithful, and fo of the hopeful. The faithful are laidto endure as Peeing him that is invifible: 'how do they indure? by the fupply of hope: for this hope is itthat makes the faithful againfl all hindrances to fight it out, fo as that Heb. u.; s. they would not be delivered, asit is fpoken in the Epillle to the Hebrews. And lhall death feparateus from that we hope for? No faith the hopeful man, it Mall not. Yea, fo far he is from being unwilling to fubmithimfelfto this way, as knowing it to be the way whereby he cometh to that he hopeth for,as that he is very ready,and greedy of death It is the way to that I hope for, faith he : therefore it is fweetly fpokenofan Ancient,and you will ackno wledg it to be a fweet fentence of Phil, i. s that bather Saint Auffin, He that dejireth to be diffolved ( according to that oftin ;' Apoftle) and to be with Chrifi. Non patienter marieur, Ile dash net die patiently. See, here isa faithful, a hopeful man, and yet doth not die patiently : what would the Father fay? lie livetb (faith he) patiently, the very life he liverh putteth him tohis patience ; when he cometh hi' die, he deeth pleafantly ; he hoeth away with his hope, and hishope isfull of immortality. And no issore for that point. The next thing I obferve, is concerning the Objeii ofthis hope, and;this is it ; that, z.ConclùrTon. Chrift theob. jeEt of Hope. ?hil.1, 21. Pfai.'gY, es. Plat. yi.s. Cbrifi is theObjeEl of the Chritians hope. We.bave hope in Chrig. Hear it in thegeneral; hear it in the fpecial. In the general, s Tim. r. t. Saint Paul he beginneth his Epiflle with Chrifiour hope, Col. r. zy. The riches of the myfieryofGods grace to theGentiles, is Cbrifi in you the hope ofglory. Here is Chrifl our hope, and thrift 'your hope, in the ge- neral In the fpecial : hear it in Saint Paul,hear it in the Prophets, and others. Saint Paul,to meto liveis Chrifi, to die isgain; Cbrili is tómé in life, and deathadvan- tage ; living, or dying>.I amChrifls. 1havehoped in the Lòrd,faith theProphet Da- vid. 'rltid rod is my hope, and bath been my helpevenironmyyouth. This is the ge- neral long of the whole Church, God it our hope; and therefore theProphet Jacob madean excellent Ejaculation in thofe bleffings he gave his fons, whenhePaid, Oh Lord,1havewaitedfor thy falvation: Herewas his waiting, his hope for the falva- tìon