Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

The Helmet of Salvation, 443 hopeth for ? Doth not the Lord fay to his fervant Wei, No man canfee myface and live? Oh ( faith a Father) let me die then ! for [ will die to fee thee: who vvould not die for the prefent, to dvvell ever vvherc his hope is ? If in efes life we Won!" hope, ebenwere we of all men the moil meferable : but our hope is not only in this life, of the things of this life ; therefore eve are not ofall men mutt mi- ferable, no not miferable at all. I havedone vvithmyText : You fee theoccafion ofohrprefentmeeting, to Inter this little Child in Chriftian burial, the laft fervice and duty we owe to deceafed Saints : I cannot, and I know youexpeanot that I fhould fay any thingofit: It is aChild of theCovcnant,fealed inthe Covenant,died in the Covenant,refteth accord- ingto theCovenant, with the God of the Covenant, ofwhom I doubt no more ofà happy reit withCbrif themediatonr of the Covenant, then I doof the Covenant that Chrift bath fealcd ; and fo I leave it in that reff, and return our felves to our own duty andfervice, tocall uponGod for a blering. $xod.;3.zò. d F3.E