445 T H E PLATFORM O F CHARITY, OR THE LIBERAL MAN'S GUID SERMON XXXIX. Gal. 6. to. dsvrt have therefore opportunity, let toddgood to all, Oeeially to them Trho areof thehou/holdofFaith. N the fat verfe of this Chapter, the Apofife begins to per- fwade thefe Galatians, (to whomhewrote) toBeneficence i and having in the ninth verfe, the verfe before the Text, given themgreat encouragement in this courir. Be not wea- ry ( faith he) ofwell-doing . for indue feafon wt fhall reap, if wefaint not. The words I have now read to you, arean inference upon that which went before , feéingifwe hold out, we Jhall reap in due time : then ( faith the Aponte) eel: we have opportunity, let 'As dogood to all, &c. To fpeak fomething for the openingof the words; and then to obfetve the main' things the Apoltle intends in this place. vir wehave opportunity. Cairo:, fignifietho óre than time, -4Ís me bavétinle,' fothe oldTranfiatin reads it ; Ezplicatio'rí;