446 ThePlatformofCharity, or, it ; but the word fignifiethmore, there is a chronos, and a Cairns, a time,andan op. portunity oftime. There is a time taken in the largeft fence,thcre is anopportunity of time refhrained to thofe advantages of times, that a man by wifdom maymake unto himfelffor the performingofany duty that Cod requires of him.This muff be underftood with a reference to what was fpokenof before, we (tall reap ifwe faint not. He (hews there is a time of fowing,and a timeof reaping : and fo inEcclef,3. There is a timefor all things, there is a time to foso, and a time to reap. Now while the lowing time lafts ( for that is the opportunitythat he now fpcaks of) while the time of lowing ¡ails; let us embrace thofe times and opportunities for the doing ofgood. Let us (aswe have opportunity) do good to all. Dogood, is of a large extent, it is ofas large an extent, as the law. All is good that Aom, is. s. is agreeable to Gods will revealed. Be renewed to the fßiirit ofyour minds, that you may knowwhat thegoodand acceptablewillof rod is. But in thisplace it isrelfrained to Tome particular alts ofBeneficence towards men, towards the fervants of God : which are then Paid tobe gooddeeds,and good ad s,when there is a concurrence be- tween the a&ion, and the affe TLiou, with cohformity to the Rule. Firft;'there mufH,ea&ions. It isnot fpeäkinggood, nor meaning goad only, but Jaw.2,1s,16. it is doing good. Saiththe Apofflc,' dfa brother' benaked, or hungry, or cold, and you fay to bim, go inpeace, warm thee, but yorrgive himno fire : andgoand cleath thee, bat you give him no apparel a and go andfeed thee, but yougive him no meat. Hereare good words now,but thedeeds are not anfwerable;hereare no gooddeeds at all. Solomon compares fuch complemental charity, that is only verbal, and in outward expreffjon, to Clouds andwindswithout rain. Not much unlike the boxes ofApatbecariei, that are adorned with glorious titleswithout, butopen them, and examinetheir in. fides, youflail find nothing but emptinefs. Well, that is thefirft thing: there mutt be good a&ions. Againfecondly, thefemull have a good rife, they mull proceed frórna good affe- &ion too : o elle they lofe thename ofgood a&ions. .44ake the treegood, and the fruit fhall be Of the fame condition : thea &ions areìtot good, if theáffe&ions be naught, and therefore thefame God, that requires beneficence, he commands bene- volencealto, and would have men become tender-hearted, andput an the bowels of compafon : that they fhould Sympathize with others, and be like affe6iioned to Keb, i3. i thetn ; to mournwish thole tbat mourn,and to be with thofe that arc bound,as being :Rom. 'z. is. bound withthem. This is that which our Saviour called being merciful. Be merciful, Mat, ç. is your h avenly Father is merciful. He faith not only do works of mercy ; but be merciful, dothem from amerciful heart, from bowelsofcompallion, that yearn towards chafe that are inneceflity. That is the fecond thing. But then thirdly, thefea&ions, and thefe affc&ions whence they axile, they muff hold conformity with theT,aw. There is no good, but what is conformable to the ruleof goodnefs: that is:thewritteti word of God and therefore all thofe will- worfhips and idle ceremonies made according'to the inventions ofman; as a thou- land devices in Popery (wheieintheyintimateafhowofgreatLiberality) they are not good dedds,becaufe theywant that good rule that fhould uphold and make them fó. So much (hall fervé for the openingof it. Good deeds then are fuckaEtionsi as rife from a fan&ified affe&ion, and receive ground and warrant from Gods will revealed in his Word to men. ' Again, there isá third termyet. Do good io all men ; what doch,the,Aptifle mean, that'everyMari fhould receive the fruits ofour Roneficence? There are fomel men notoriotifly wicked,' and rather to be punilhed than relieved : The Apoftle :The': 3. ,o. ¡ means not fuck, for he giveth you a Caution; Ifany manwork not, let him not eat.Ì Relieve him not that hatla ability.to get, and will live idly, and unprofitably; But do good to all men ; that is, to all men fo far as you fee them in extream want, unable to help themfelves, if their lawful neceffitics call upon your charity, in this refpe& all menmuflbe looked tinto, but efpccially, To the bon/hold ofFaith. Bv,