Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

The Liberal-Mansguide: X47 ny höti/hold of aith, here he means the multitudeof believers, and not only thole' that dwell nearus, and about us, but thofc that are difperfedthroughout the whole earth, the Churches ,of God : The difperfion fpoken ofthrough all the parts of the world,are this houfiold`óffairk: all the Saintsof God, in what difference or diftance :pm e ' foever one from another,- yet they areof the fame houfhold together ; of the fame ChurchofGo So the ChurchofGod is called, the houfe ofClod; and fometime it is underftood of the Churela militant, and fometime ofthe Church triumphant.; Of the Church triumphant :, In my Fathers bout are many manfonsè There it is heaven, the place of the bleffed. Thenfor the Church militant : e/l'lofswarfaith- fi linall his houfe, faith theText. AndPaul exhorts Timothyhow he lhould carry .himfelf in the houfe of God: that is in the Church militant. As for thofe that live above us,they neednot surgood works and a tions,therefore it is intendedofthole that are here in the Church militant; that is called Gods houfhold,becaufe there is fuch a communion amongft believers, as amongft thofe that live in the fame honk, that abide under the fame roof, that live under the fame government, that eat at the fameTable, 0-c. So then you have the meaning ofall, which is no more but this ; Take thofeadvantages oftimes, which you can obtain, or elfemany will flip unprofitablyto be converfant in fuch a&ions of mercy, which tend to the reliefof thofe that want them. Iftherebe ectream neceffity, do good to all ; but ifyoumay make choyce ofperfons to whom ydu may do good : choofethehouJholdoffrith: Thus you have the fubffance, and the meaningof the words: In them yotí may ob- . ferve briefly thefe threeparts. The firlt is adetermination, or limitationof time, towhich the Saintsare tied in Divifon. theperformance of theduties that are injoyncd them: earn haveopportunity, and while you have;time. Secondly, there is a declaration ofduty, dogood. . Thirdly, there is a defcription of the perfonstowhom this good muftbe done; firft more generally : Dogood to all: and then moteparticularly, andwith an efpe- cial note ; Es7ecialytothofeof the boufholdofFaith. Of thefe in order. Firlt, for the determination oftime (to take the words as they lic) while you havetime therefore, or as you haveopportunity, the wordsthemfelves do render the mainpoint. it is t!eduty ofChriflians to take their advantages oftimes : to tate.thébefi oppor- tunities oftheir life todo good. I willfpeak_fomewhaf bywayofExplication of thepoint ; and fomethingbyway ofApplication,and foproceed to whatfollows. Firft for the Explication : what is intended, or meant in it, when we in- cite you to embrace times andopportunities. Briefly thefe two thingsare meant in it. . Firfl, that You lhould bePure not to lofe the time of life. And, Secondly, that yoti lhould not forgo the advantages, and opportunities ááf e- flates. You [hall not always have life to dogood: and it may be (ifyouhave life) you lhall not always enjoy means, and ability to dogood. Whileyou have life therefore, and time, dogood; or while you enjoymeans: and fopower to dogood: embrace thefe opportunities. That is the meaningofthe Apoftle in this place. Fitt}, then there mull be a doing good while youhave life; let yourgood works go before you ; do things while youlive, and defer not the performanceof them till your death. e.5Wakeyoufriends ofthe unrighteous e2' ammon, that whenyou *ant, they may receiveyou into everlafing habitations. He calls that unrighteous Mammon, not that it is unrighteoufly gottenonly (though that may be meant) but that whichis unrighteoufly kept, is unrighteous Mammonto you ; ifyou procured it never fo juftly, unlefsyou do rightly difpofe of it ; and ifyou be deurous to do right in difpofing ofyour Mammon, ofyour wealth, do it now ;. That when you I want that power, and thofe tittles, you may enjoy the comfortablefruitofthewell- ! M m m redeeming Dotlr. rï It is the duty ofChadians. to take the belt opppttu- sities of their life to do good. A twofold op portuttitÿ to be taken of doinn -good. L. The tiratco life. LukcSO.fi,