?hèLiberal-Mails ÇJtide. 449 ...'; nicate, and to dogoodmork!. What isit that hinders men from diftributing,and corn- niunicating ? Becaufe they trtai in uncertain fiches. For if they would now learn not to trufe in uncertain Riches, but account them uncertain as they are ; and put confidence in the living God, who can provide far them,when thofe outward means ( which they fomuch relyon) fail their expe&ations, they would then be more libe- ral, and bountiful, and ready todo good, and to communicate. So then here is the meaningof the point. Take the opportunities of life. Thatis,firft take the time of life,whileyou may do ;good; and then take themeans, the wealth, and efface, which is the timeof your means. For this obferve Jobs cafe, hegoes on difcourfingof this very point,he was lots 13, i;, ie, now a man ftript of all hehad, but the other day the Richeft man in the Eaft ; the '7>r$ Sabeans and Caldeanshadcarried away his goods, his cartel, and his children,and all i things were taken from him. Yet therewas one thing that adminiftredcomfort, in the day of his adverfity and his aflli&ion ; And it was this, faith he ; If1 have made the eyes ofthe poor to fail; or if I eat my morfe!s alone ; or ifI have not relieved thefatherlefs, &c, IfI have not done thus and thus ; then let the Lords ñerceft judgment fall upon me ; Butherein confilts mycomfort, my confcience bears me witnefs, that ithen I had health, andeftate, andenjoyed the goods ofthis life, I did good, I was father to thefatherlefi ; afoot to the lame, andeyes to the blind, I did all the good that lay within the compafs ofmypower to do, whenI had means to do it. I fay,little do you know (beloved) whatfoeverthou art, whatfoever effatethouhaft, though thou be as a nail faftned in a frire place, and thinkeft thou (halt never bed moved from this condition : Thou knoweft not how Pion Godmay inrnhis hand upon thee, when thou maift be as jobwas on the dunghil deprivedofall comforts.' What will be thy confolation then ? that when thou hadit wealth, thou didft good with it. It will add to thy affli&ion, thou thou hadlt great poffeflìons, anddidft neither glorifie God, nor do good to men. Somuch for the openingofthe point; I come to apply it. Firft then, it ferves for the reproof ofmany to whomGod path given the price vfe r. in their hands : But they wanthearts to embrace the oportnnities of doing good. They pretend to do good, and have a mind inclining to good But they have no heart to take the opportunities, and advantages of times, and means, which God hathbeftowed on them for the fame purpofe they want hearts to embrace thofe. Remember what Shlomon faith : Say not to thyneighboter, Qo, and come again to mor- rtov. s. t 8. row, Ifitbe now in thine hands togive him. The Lord will not only have a mannot deny to do good, but betides that, he would not havehim delayro do-good ; put him not from thee till to morrow, if his help remain in thine hands to day; .yea, i though thou have a purpofe to do it to morrow ; if it be in thy power to day, do it ; and defer it not till tomorrow. But what (hall we (ay to thofe,who do not only delay their purpofes,btu by pro- tra&ing lofe their purpofes. There is nothingmoreordinary,thanin fame cafesfor men not only topurpofetruly, -buttopromifeheartilytoGod,thattheywillper- for rthefe,andthefea&sofinercy,ifGodwilfdeliverthemfromfuchfearsanddan- gers, as the y (at filch tnes) are incompaft with. Aman that endures extremity of weather,in a tempcftuous Sea, ifhappily he Mayattain the lanidin fafety: a manthat is difeafed with ficknefs ifnow hemay recover his health again, or one that fuffers imprifomnenr,ifhe mayprocure his liberty : ora-man that is in fear ofthe lofsofhis eftate, by themeans ofTome unhappy cafualty ; if now he may efeape that lofs: he rfal.7114 túill bellow a -great deal on God, and on the fervarits of God nay, he:promifes; andvows unto God in hisextremity. But bowmany of thofe promifes, as well as fkofcother pupofes,come to nothing ?.they have liberty,they receive health; they 'enjoy fafety, and have the full fruition ofall their defires: but alas; how fhort come their vows ofperformance? not one ofmany of them,but turnsGod away without his bargain. Remember how the Lord taxerh`the peopleof Ifraelí In thedayof their dsftrefs (and the Lord reckons up`divers and fundry troubles they were in) then they (peakgood wordsto God r theywouldcleaveto him,and promifed to do thus and thus. But ('thus faitti'thcText) 7beyflattered the Lordwiththeir lips; M.m a. .... arid:. ... _.