Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

rlhePlátftrnao Charity, or, and were falle in the Covenant with God, Is it not fo (beloved) with manyof i us ? Oh that your hearts might fmite you this day, before the Lord, for many pur- I poles, and promifes that you have made of ding this or that, for the glorifyingof God, and the difchargeof your duty I Oneman hath promifed reflitutron ofunjuf gain : another, to become more liberal, and bountiful toward others. And the Lord bath waited week after week, month aftermonth, and year after year; and yet neverthelefs you continue the fame men,either unfenfible, or carelefs to accom- plilhyour promife toGod, or rendringunto him his duc. That is the firle Ule. 1>fe z. Secondly, let it ftir up every one ofus to a careof his duty ofembracing opportu- nities. Andwhen we perfwadeyouto takeopportunities,wcwould draw you a de- gree higher : not only to take them, but to Peek them ; for how (hall a manobtain the advantage of taking opportunities, if he firft leek them not ? and therefore we perfwade you to that. We fee eílbrabamfitting in thedoor of his Tent,that he might obfcrve opportunities of doing good ; he frayed not till the men knockeI at his Gen. ts. 19. door for relief, but took notice oftheirpaffing by, that he might call them. We fee a good old man infudges in. As he perceives a ftrangerpaffurg the fhrcets, firth takes occafion to queftion his wants,and forbears nottill the man complain ; fo wil- ling was he toadminifter to his neeeffities, and to embrace a fit opportunityofdoing z Sam. v. him good. We ice Davidexpteffinghis thankfulnefs to God, and to7onathan. He enquires if there were any of the boufe of Saul, that he might Roan him kindneffor Jonathan: fake. So Ihould we do. Is there any of the houjholdof Faith (as the Text faith,and as the Scripture calls them) untowhons I may thew kindnefsfor the Lords fake? He bath been better to us than Jonathanwas to David,and yet we aremuch more backward toRetribution, and expreffïonsofthankfulnefs than Davidwas to Jonathan. But the Scriptures are plentiful in this, we need not Hand on it ; I lay this is a duty, that every one Ihould difcharge this task : not to Hay and forbear till the reports ofmens wants are brought to them, but to be circumfpetc and leek for all occafrons that may defervetheextent oftheir goodnefs. Ifyou live in.a Parifh wherein (happily )- there remains notmanypoor, yet you live in a City, there are . many there; if there benot many in the City ; you live in a Country,in aKingdom, doubtlefs where there aremany ; if there benone therc,yet thou haft further means to,extend thy charity : Thouliveft in a Church,is there any member of the Church in all the World difperfed in Bohrmia, in the Palatinate, in any place of the earth where the poor abide ? enquire after them, that you mayknow their wants, and, relieve their neceffrties. I come now to the fecond, fromthe determination of time, to the declarationof duty, while we have time. Doflr, z. It is the duty of Gods fer slants to te,- licve others, - Deut. 15 7. Ecclef. tt. 4. Ifa. 51. 7. Let us dogood. I told youwhat this goodnefs is, in the intent of the Apo(tle in this place. Doing good is a relievingthofe that are in neceffity; for that is the Apoftles meaning, as we may fee in the context andcoherence of theft ,words with the former; So then the main Point is nomorebut this; It is the duty ofrodsfervants (as tomake advantages of their times fo) to employ themfelves in relieving ofothers, Take it more briefly. It is a doing goad, ro relieve others, that is theduty ofGods fervants ; and it well becomes them, to be employed in this wprk,wbile wehave time on earthand means to do it,to employ our {elves in doinggood, and relievingothers. And there isfamiliar appearance of this in Scrip - ture,andby reafdns alto. ByScripture it is commanded inprecept,and commended in.prad ifeof the, Saints. If riot, of thybrethren among thee bepoor (faith God) thou /halt not hardensly heart, thou Jhalt not¡hut up thyhand againff thypoor brother.The not opening of the hands to relieve him, God accounts that as proceeding from the hardnefs of the hears. Thou {halt not harden thy heart a .ain/l' thy brother, &c. Gaff thy bread upon eke Waters, for aftermany dales thou Jhialt find:t. Is notthis thefail that 1 have chofen, for a man to give his bread to the hungry ; and that .a manfhould releafe chofe that are