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TheLiberal-Maras ,Guide: q.11 aieiñ Captivity, and to let the oppreffedgofree ? The Aponte witheth that as they a Coi. 6,q. abounded in knowledge,and in vertue;and in faith,and gdodnefs ; fo they might a- bound alfo in this Graceof God. The Grace of God that he there (peaks of, is the willing readiness to the doing ofgood. To dogood,and todistributeforget not ; for with fucbfacrificei God is well pleated. Yotffee there by doing good, he means diftribtttion : the latter word dothprove the former; and bothexplain this Text. Youhave it likewife commended in the pra &jèe of theSaints: I need not be large in difcourfing to youthe carriageofAbraham,ofLot,ofDavid,offob, the faradice of Cornelius, yèa ofChri3l hinifetf. The Scripture is plentiful in this, I and that ¡oho ry sÿ, which is more tobe obferved,that althoughChrift himfelfwere relieved by others, yet out of that he gave a (hare to thepoor; It willappear likewifein reafon,that this isaneceífarÿditty;and thefe maybe taken : Firft, from the equity ofit ; for it is equal you lhonld thus employyotlr'time API: r. andeftate,and thofeadvantages of life whichGod htth made you doner of,partly to that purpofe ; and a mancommits an injury innegle&ing thefe holy duties S and is not only become an unmerciful, but an unjuft man, and fo in the plainest phrafé a difhonell man: he is not just that doth not thus. Therefore, with-held nor the good ptov3.i6,27. from the owner thereof, ( faith God ) when it is in thy power togive. Thepoor is owner ofthe efrate ofthe rich fo fatas his neceflity requires it ; and it proves but-a matter of jnftice andequity,to bellow his riches where it ought to be bestowed: and a man is unjust in that refpe& ifhedo it not. Richesare called unrighteous mammon Luke i6.9. (as hath been expreffed before) when they are unrighteouflywith -held from them to whom they thould be given, as well as whenthey are unrighteónfllt gotten. So that detaining it fromthofe unto whom it is appointed by Gods direaion,convcrts that riches (perchance honeftlyprocured) into the mammonofunrighteoufnefs. Secondly, as itbecomes a matter ofjuftice,fo it proves likewife a matter of wif- 71,,edf z, dom: a man makes wifeprovifron for the prefent,and the future allo by thiscourfej And therefore itmakes way for the felicity ofthe fervants ofGod, to employ their endeavours in the execution ofthis duty; andto layfait hold on the forehead ofop- portunity. Fielt, it proves a onfequent of wisdom for themselves in procuring their own good. Wed is the man that ladgeth wifely of the poor, Nby fo ? The Lord will mCal. 4i. t: confiderhim in the day ofevil, and he will not give himover to the will ofbis enemies. What is the thing thataman is molt fubjea to'fear in this World ? britthat which David faithconcerning Saal: I'hallfallfometime or other by thehands offome enemy, of tome mifchicvous person, or malicious person or other. Your teetheLord bath here promifed a large alfurance of fafety and prote &ion from the malice ofhis ad- verfaries in the day ofe.vil, ifhe wifely confider the poor. Again it makes much for the good ofhis pofterity. Thegood man is merciful, &c. and bitfeed inherits the plat. 37.6. biegino. 1t may be he perceives not such fenfible and apparant fruits, or outward fuccef`s in his own life upon this course, yet his feed inherits the bleffing : and the lefs he enjoyes, themore (hall they receiveofGodsgoodnefs towards them, asa re- compencefor his benevolentkindnefstowards the people ofGod. And what great- er legacy can man bellow upon his pofterity than to leave them (by his particular means) in the loving favour of the Almighty. And as iris fo for the prefent, fo it becomes a coarse ofwifdom for the future ,Tim. 6, álro. Charge the rich menof the world thatthey be ready to dogood, &c.. laying /1'a good foundationfor the timeto come. And by this means a man may provide well for eternity. cilfake youfriends (faith Chrilt) ofyourunrighteous Mammon,tha: When youfail, they may receiveyou into everlasting habitations. The way for a man to provide for eternal good, is to ufe his talent of wealth and estate (for the prefent) to the good 'ofmany. Thus we fee the Keafonsplainlyverified : to make ufe of it briefly and haften to that which remains. Is it fo then, thatit is writ down tobe the duty 'ofGods fervantstomannaaethe Tffe; opportunities ofthis life for this end, and inthis course of doing good that is, of diftributjon and relief. Then it ferves to reprove thofe thatnegledt this duty, and aeconnt itnot a bufi- nefs