Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

45_ `I he Platformof f (haritj, or, Generally It is ass have told you, toall that endure fuch wants andneceffitiecaas that it may to all. be a work ofmercy, andno tranfgrelflonofthe rule to relieve them for thofethat': live unprofitably,and becotne'burthens to the Commonwealth ( estteptin cafeof Luke m. extream neceffity) it lofes the name ofmercy to relieve them, and deferncs neither rewardnor commendations. Yet, if they live in extream necefsty, 'then take the Rule of the Apoftle Do good to all; even to them allo. We have the Parable of.I our Saviour to (fired us in this path, where the good Samaritan lends his aflifattce to the :fed, that fell among thieves :- We cannot but know of theoppofition and enmity, between the Samaritans and the Pips : yet we fee that incafe ofextre- . mity, the <am.tr,ten.helps the 7ew Therein our Saviour teacheth us, that every- man ( in this cafe ) is a mans neighbour, and therefore the fame law that cons naands, to love thy neighbour ao thy felf; intends wemhoulddogoodtoall,ifeecef- fity require. 'Reafon r. The Reafon is, in regard there is thefame maker ofone,asofanother; wehave.' Mal.2. so. all one Father ( faith theProphet ) and bath not oneGod createdat ? Then by Cre- ation we are all alike Children, though not by Adoption, and efpecial Grace : and as they are the Creatures of God and bear the Imageof their Maker ; thereought to be fumeconfideration extended toward them,in cafe ofextream neceility. 7,1äf z. A gain, there dwells a part of Cods Image in all man-kind, and that refem- ¡ t John4. 20. blance makes us died to each other by the bonds -of- Nature : then ifwe love not our brother whom we fee daily, how(hall we love himwhom we never fans ? faith the Apoftle. vfe. Tomake force ufe briefly of this. Is it fo, that doingofgood is to be extended to all when neceffity requires it : Then let it teach us (without all evalion and pro. traction of thofe duties commanded) to embrace every objeft and occafiou that may invite us to do good, and tobe merciful. Objef. But forceman may reply in this Million, my intent is very pliable t that a way of goodnefs, I could willingly extend it towardfuch a man ; but he is a ftrangerUnto me, and one with whom I was never acquainted. Anfw. What is this, but the churlifh reply of7abal to the fervants ofDavid ? there r Sam. is. are divers men abroad whom I knownot; there are fomefervanti that are ueftin; their mafters,frhall Igivemy breadand thatIhave providedfar myfharera unto them 71Labal was his name, andfolly war with him. Abigail did truly interpret his nature to be anfwerable tohis name, which fignifieth a man of folly ; forif his conditions hadbeen otherwife, he would not have Pent them empty to their Matter, know- ing their abfolute neceffity, its which cafe a ltranger ought to be relieved, and we cannot thrult him back from our charity. Objrl?. Secondly, filcha one (Iconfefs) isnot aItranger,but an enemy ; andwhen it lay in his power, he procur'd me all the mifchiefhe could, and Ihoulil I now relieve him? 4nfv. Mark the rule of the Apoflle ; If thine enemy hunger,feed him; ifhe be naked, Rom. mu. cloath him; ifbe thirff, give himdrink: for in fo doing thou /halt heap coals offire upon his head. Objet?. But fomeman will fay; there remains fo.muchunthankfulnefsinthe World, that one is foots difcouraged (by peoples ingratitude) itsthe officeofdoing good. eilnfu But what faith the Lord, (4 thy bread upon the waters, for after many dayes thou(halt find it. Though it teem no more to thee but as a 'tone funk down into the deep, or as a morfel ofbread in the water, that floats from thefightbfhim that I call it in, without poffibility of recovering it again , or receiving any fruit or benefit from the fame; yet ceafe notto call it there, for after many doges thou Jhalt find it. Objet?: Butfomeman replies, Idogood-to fomealready ; Igive fomething to the main- I mining ofa Schollar its the Idniverfity ; fomewhat I do for the binding of a poor Child to an Apprentifhip, and I have bellowed nay good will towards the Letting up ofayoung beginner iu his trade,what is there no end ofdoing good? ,Anfw. Mark again, the advife ofSolomon for that; rive aportion tofeven,'and toeight. If thouhave donegood to one, extend it to a fecond,to athird,and again to a fours h, and