Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

The Liberal-Mans guidé. and a fift, and fixt, and a feventh, and to eight, and fo long as there remains an ob- je&ofinercy, andpower in thine hands todo it, though thou haft extended the like bounty tofeven, and to eight already. Some man will anfwer again, that by thiscourfe (ifeverymanbelow his bene- volence fo largely ) no man could become rich in this life ; and God appoints fame rich menin thisWorld as well as poor. Solomonanfwers that objehiori thus ; If the Cloudsbefall theypourdown rain. As if hefhould have argued thus : Godbath bellowed riches on men, as he hath given rain to the Clouds, he gave them' that fuperfiuity ofwaters to pour down on the earth for the benefit ofthe fame ; and not that they fhallftill detain it to no purpede at all : So God hath givenriches to men, that when they arrive at afulnefs ofefface; they fhould then pour down and diftil the fruits of that bleflhng on them that are poor and live inneceffïty, as the rain delceods upondry clods ofearth. But fome man will fay,a manmight pour down comfort,butthe ill fuccefs it meets with,and the little good it begets in them on whom it is bellowed (for they often- times become worfe,by the receipt of fuck benefits,) dilheartens,the giver from the extending of his charity according to Gods command,andhis own good nature. Saith Solomon for that ; , 4s ehe Treefallsfo it lies, whether to the Baf$, or tveii, to North, orSoúth t his meaning is this; As the Tree being hewen down (lie which way it will ) falls to the profit and advantage of the owner : fo it proves with all things thou performefl with intent topleafe God, and glorifie him, though they fall moreprofperous,or lefs profperous in theevent ; yet the conclufion converts them all to the gloryofGod,his pleafure,and theadvantage of the owner ; and there they lie, and their recotnpenccalto. But fome manmay fay, I have continued a great whilein the exercifeofdoingof good ; I am now old,and have lived thus long at my trade,and thuslong I have been a Houfe-keeper, and thus long have had an ante in my hands ; all which time I, have ever employed my (elf in the performance ofgood offices for others, and did not intermit any occafion that might invite me to the doingofgood. And is itnot yet time to ceafe ? No ( faith Solomon) in the morning fora thy feed, and in the evening let not thy hands refl. For all thofe words are but feveral anfwers, to feveral obje&ions; ) Sow thy feed ha the morning of thy life, when thy effate begins to be improved, and then even in the eveningof thy life, when thouhalo left offgaining, ceafe not to perfilo in giving. Saith another man ; You muff not lop the twig too foon, that is but beginning to grow. I ambut now in the way to thrive, and when I amfurther entred into that courfe, I will not fail to extendmy goodnefs toothers. Sow thy feed in themorning of thy life. But faith another man, 1 have done that already, andnow it ceafeth to be withme asbefore, by reafon !follow not my trade, andhaveno more poflibilityofgetting. But let not thy hand craft 'inthe cvening,faithGod. When thy ihop windows are ihutup, thycompaflion mull continue open, when thou haft bid gainadue,atad taken thy bade ofall the wagesof getting : eventhen,if thou enjoy an efoatein thine hands,and ability to do good,there isno excufe for-thee toc,Fafe frombeftowing it, though it be in the evening. Thus we fee there is no time excepted,nor perfon to be refuted if necefhty require; but a man muff do good to all men at all times. So much for that. But the matter chiefly intended is thefetwo; That there are limepoor of the hottfhold offaith. That is the litO. Cod bath ( in the houfhold of faith) lomethat fland in need of relief. Secondly, that all that groin the hanfhold, fhouldeffrociallylook.unto them. Fief} (1 fay) there are fame of the hotefhold offaith : true believer:, whofe wants call for relief. So we fee Chrift (peaks as it were for himfelf, when he fpeaks ofthem' ; /wad hungry, andyou didnot feed me ; I was naked and you didnot cloath me. Thofe that Chrift owns as his, and accounts them a part ofhimfplf, even thofearehungry and i N n n naked, Obpei:f, A_nfm. Objeíl. efYnfio. obje£f. Anfyi. Objet Anfm. Object'. Anfm. Dotlr. r. t. There are louse poor of the houfhold offaith. Mat. 55.