Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

45 8 7be Iatform of fharitj, or, Reafon. And the Keafon of it is becaufe that for this intent bath God given riches unto ream that have grace, that fo they might efpecially admini$er the comfort that wealth brings with it, unto thofe that arc poor ofthe lame howls old and profelfion ofgrace : 1 fay, for this very rcáfon, God bath furnilhed tome ofhis Bledwith wealth and opportunities ; that above all other they might refcrve a diligent care and refpe& towards others that fhare with them in the fame Grace , if they do not, I am certain the world will not ; for ofall other people, thofe that fear Godare the perfons to whom they with mutt unhappinefs,and fhorteft coatiauanec offife in this World. Therefore bath Godgiven wealth to thole that have Grace,that theymight miniffer a feafonable relief to others, whole wantsdo call for ir. Get the brother of low digree, rejoice in that he is exalted ; and let the brother of hioh decree, rejopce in that he is made low: what is the low bringing ofthe brother in high dcgrce,but that he becomes fcrvant to him oflow degree ; his wealth and revenues, nay all that he enjoyes, he confeffeth to be for the ferviceof the pooreft C.hriflian. Then bath the brother oflow degree occafion enough to rejoyce, becaufe the brotherofhigh de. tree receives both exaltation, wealth, and preferment, and all that hepoffeffeth for ' his good. And therefore beloved, do notflightly pars by thisnecelfary duty;for it will require yourferious confideration, and your bell ability to perform it. 'Peeal: 2. Secondly, theseernnionandrel ationbetweenoneandanother ,thoufdbeaffrong I obligation upon thole that arerich efpecially,to extend their care and cfrate to thofe of low degree, having grace : for theyare brethren,and there is a ffrong bond that combines them together,having all the fame Father to beget them,theyarebegotten by the fame Word of Truth, they enjoy the fame Mother the Church : jerufalew that is above is free,and ù the Mother often all;they are brethren together of the fame Family. And therefore (beloved) let men fee andacknowledg this, that whatfoever Mat, rs: difference there is ofNation, yet they are all of the fame Houthold in this refpe&. You fee the fewraotwithflandingthey werediftinguithed byTribes, yet theyareall nominated together,the Houle ofIfrael. So all the people ofGod, let their diftin&i_ I ons be never fo diftant in refpe& ofwealth, of naturalbirth, of defcent or outward' ornament ; they are brethrenofthe fame Family notwithffanding. Beloved, let tie look to thisPoint, we are all brethren, and all ofthc fame Hattie. ere. Is itnot a (home then when one brother isfulf,to fulleranother o die with famine and hunger ; for one of the fame Houle to let his brother fink under reproach and difgrace, not offering his afB(fance, or his hand to help him, and prevent his extre- mity. lfthis be the task and duty ofChriflians, that they lhouldefpeciallylook to them ofthe HoufholdofFaith; let the inftru lionftirupourendeavourstotheper- formance of this duty; andabove all the affcllion we bear to others,let the refpe& we bear to the people ofGod be advanced. Saithour Saviour Chrifl,when youcome to a place, ask who is wárthy r and 1 could heartily with that you ( who intend any work ofmercy, out of the ellate which the providence of God bath enabled you withal,accordingto the command ofthis duty) wouldpropound the fame rule unto your (elves, cnquiringflrft who are worthy. Bellownot your charityatrandomise, as it is the manner ofmany ; fuch are in want ; and they look no further : but en- quire where yanmay be furniflaeci with betterdire&iohs, whoare worthy, and who are of thehoufhaldofFaith ,and inhabitants of the Family ; fuch you are to labour to find, and having found them, look to them. And the more to incite you to 'this duty, know that Chrill calls for it, and cloth I continually exiled it ; He would have you (efpecially) to have an eye to his mem- bers : I west hungry, andyou did not feed me; he calls for it that gave you your wealth. Neither cloth he demand any thing that is not his own, as Psavidconfe(feth in his t Chun, 29. ProVihon for the Temple, ofthineown have I given thee : fo youmay account of whatfoever Chrifl calls for, if it be to your eftate; it came byhis donation, and he gáYe'ityou firfl. Ifyou beflowany gift onyour Children,you think youmay referve tltat'power unto your felves,to take it again at yourplea(iffe and give ir unto whom you IA.; and than not God be allowed that priviledge, hethat confers many liberal bleflings on: thee ? Sure thou art match inhis debt, and it argues too foulaningrati tulle