Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

TheLiberal-Mans guide. 46t in this particular duty, I may refolve you, asit is laid ofthevertuous weihan (and may fpeak truly, in the fimplicity of anhoned heart) c....914any daughters-havedone excdlently, bur thou furrnounteft thereall. I never knewany woman in my life mörc a Live and ready to do the works ofcharity : according as opportunity and hér abi- litymade way for the farne. Not only ofher own, wherein ihe tookher Husbands content with her ; But where the prodd unable ofher felf to supply the neceffities ofothers : her laboursand endeavours to incite, and flirup others; made full.fatif- faCtipnin the room ofher benevolence, and thebecame an induffrious Chtiflian in that kind. That i have observed, hereinthe was ever large and boundless : lowing herfeed in the morning, and her hands ceasednot in theevening : fbeNgaveaportion to leven, and alfo to eight : and as any came in her way that were in extream necef Pity, the .became a prefent helper of every of them, according to their feveral ne- cefftties. She was very tender hearted, and that which the beflowed to relieveothers, was done in compaffionof heart towards thofe that endured mifery. But asdie faw any of the bonfholdofFaith, and the fervants ofGodwhich the tooknotice ofby fume infallible sign ; the did not only relieve themwith her Purse, but receive them into her heart, whichwas ffilhopen and enlarged togive thementertainment. She was not ftraitnedin her bowels toward them; but was large hearted, and large handed, full of Alines, when that might help ; andwhen it could not, theprovoked others to exercife the like charity. Befides, the had otherwayes to fuccourthem, in fpeak- ing for them, and flirring up others to fpeakfor them, when words might avail them and do them good ; relieving thenWith mony, . and provoking others there- unto, when fuch contributions wereneedful ; and therein the would not let flip the leaftopportunity, but would take the advantageof great and folemn meetings; feafoning thofe feafts which the frequented with foam aCis of mercy before they parted , that the company and fociety the converfed with , might favour of this fvveetnefs of mercy as a precious oyntment, and become good examples unto o- thers ; and iniysrove the gifts and abilities whichGod had giten thctit to the fame purpofe. She wasnot only mindful of thofe at home, but hergoodnefs'extended to theSaints abroad. Andnot in refpe&of Nature only,becaufe they were come into the Coun- try. where the was born, (I fpeak nowof thofe that live in diftrefs and exile, of the Palatinate; and Germany,) but in refpe&of Grace. She was wondrous indudrious and laborious,toprocure all themeans that might be to fend over to help them; and even refreshed the bowels ofthe Sants.; that I may truly fay , the loynrof thepoor, bleffedGod for her in many places. In what placehath the lived, and bathnot left a favour behind her ? nay, ( almod) in what company hath (heconverfed, but this particularduty hath been as a precious oyntment to fweeterï the converfafions of all that were about her and to work intheir minds a vertuousintention and propenfe- nefs to thisduty ? Beloved, here you haveIse in her carriage and etcample. What thewas in herbehaviour towards her Husband,and herChildren,I need not fpeak,there are enoughe nvtknefs it ; (hecarriedhér feltas became a Wifetohim,' and a helper ofthe fervants of God with prayers anddefrres,and often provocations and ineitings that way. , But for her Children , the feem'd to undergo a fecond travail with them, till ('bruit were formed in them ; being full ofearned delres and petitions for the working of Grace, whereit was not begun, and for thePer - fefting thereof, where it was newly entred. She rejoyced exceedingly in any expreffion ofgood, and note for that of Grace; than anyother inclination or re-' fpe&. Beloved, this was obvious and common tóall,and any Mario-lighttake fpecial no- tice thereof daily, and obferve it conlhantly. In her fervaits, as there appeared the more grace in any ; fomuch the more refpe& (he extended towards them. In the poor; as the perceived the more grace in any; the more reliefthey received from her, &e. I fay nothing what (inan this) the fuffered ; thofe that were acquainted withherdifeafe, know what pains theunder-went in refpeft ofherbody, andwith whatpatience (he fubmitted tothe handof God thiings; Andmany know fire Nov. 3 r t.