Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

462 `Ihe I'latformofCharity, &c,. wrong theendured from the World, for her defire and care to do good when the obtained opportunity. Some thought her over -bold, Tome too bufie ; others thought her proud and vain- glorious, becaufe ofher often frequenting ofcompany, and fpeaking openly,for theprovoking ofothers to the excercife ofgoodnefs, The Lord finite their hearts that are guilty ofmi1judging; that whichwc arc tofitppofe in rcfped ofherforward difpofitionisthis; Shewas naturally ofafree fpirit,which being fan&ifìed with Grace,and (harpned with love and zeal for the glory ofGod; madeher the more refolute and familiar in frcquentinggood company;not tomaa nifie her felf by their fociety, but that her continual converfationwith them, might give her the better occafion to incite and ihr them to gooduefs. Let thofe that are guilty ofmifprifron, leave to cenfure her Virtues, and convert them into anexample for themfclves to walk in, if they do not, the neglect will load their fouls with more woe for fuch contempt,then the bath received joy for her labour. What concern'd her in her ficknefs, briefly t have not much to fay ; in that they which wereabout her daily, know more then Iran relate: She didnot only exprefs a fatisfa&ion and affurance ofheart, that her reconciliation was made with God in Chrift: but befides that, awillingnefsanddefiretobediffolved, (for that realms) that fhe might bewith Cbrifl. AMinifter that was with her, asking how fhe that hada Husband andChildren, enjoying an eftate and many othercomforts, could be willing to forgo fo many bleflings, and exchange them all for death? Shefrom that inward fence and perfwafronofGodslove to her in Chrift,concluded ; myHusband is dear, and my Childrenare dear to mc,but Chrift is dearer. Therefore I am wil- lingto forgo Husband and Children,andall the contents you cannumber in this life, that I might live with Chrift, topartake ofgreater felicity than (his worldcan afford me. And now the Lord Jefus hath received herinto his ownprote&ion,and fatisfied her expe&ationwith the performanceofhis love. But wherefore have wefpoken all this ? what, thatwe might add any praifcunto thedead ? no : But to quicken thofe that are living,and incitethan to thelikeduty. Some may think itimpoble there fhould be futhahivenefs in doingofgood; and fuch unwearednefs in performing of the as ofmercy, and where (fay they) (half we find fuch anexample? you have it before your eyes ; andknow that examples will rife in judgement againt you, and condemn you, as well as precepts Ifyou follow themnot, while they invite you. TheText faith ; Dogood toad, esßeciall to the boufbold offaith. And here is an example beforeour eyes, ofone whotook. hertime, and opportunity to do goodto all, especially to them ofthe boufboldofFaith; Go thou, anddo likewife. DEATH