46j D EATH PREVENTED: O R, MORTALITY CHANGE D SERMON XL. Job 14. 14. 411 the dayet bfmy appointed time will ?wait till my change earn& His Rook offó5 comprehends the Hiffory of a good than, and of his many tryals. Though goodnefs deliver froni Hell ; yet it priviledgethnot from temptations, orcroffes ; yea; the more eminent Holinefs is, many times the more it is expofed to (harpand manifold affaults. ob is let upon on all ffdei, hé found theDevil aforeene. my, and his great effate a fudden fhipwrack; his Children in a moment crufht to pieces.. He had but three Pointsof Land to look at in this troublefome fea,..and every one of them feemed rather to augment, than tò leffen the (form. His Wife, wholebreath fhouldhave fwcetned andeafed his grief; wasan impatient vexation. His friends, whole counfels and compaffions íhould have been an eafie harbour, and tender re- lief,theybecame his bitter ndcenforiousjudges. Yea, hisGod, who by his own Tefhmony tie ferred, and feared with fingufar uprightnefs ; and whofe bowels are ever tender and cómpaffonate to fuch, and upon whole gracious acceptance he Thought to iiniet and anchor his troubled fpirit ; yet anonhe feemed not onit, á 0 o 6 firanger;