Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

eAlortalrty: chañgecl. 471 thy feud'be taken away, and whofe poffëfons limit then. thy careful and only gettinQij e? the glafs will be broken, and all the wine will fly abroad: though thou half withmuch eagernefsgrafped thewdrldin this life, yet in death thy hands muff open thenifelves, and let it goatloumutt not hold the world above thy life, nor thy life beyond the day ofdeath; no we cannot al way have that which wedcfire, we muff certainly part with what we molt efteem of. Secondly, what comfort is this to a good foul i Ifwehad hope only in this life' V f z. ( faith Saint Paul) we of all men are moll miferable, r Cor. rs. Death is a happy Change to a holy perfon. Firlt,it is a change which (hall put a period toall his changes in this life : his out- :Ward condition,how oftdoth it change ? fometimc by joy and forrow,fometimeby 'comfort and mifery,by health'and fcknefs,by abundanceand want,but when Death ; icornes,all forrow fh all fly away forever ; thou lisait never be moretroubled with a !fickbody,with a fad effate,with common loffes ; but the change ofa temporal life, ithall let thee in a full and felled poffeffion of anheavenly. His inward condition how oft Both it change? fometime free,anon diftrelled;nowa fweet view ofheaven, !' !anon darkned with fear; now rcjoycing in Chrift,anon buffetedwith Sathan ;'now \ 1 WellingGod for grace,anon diftrac`fedwith the infolent workingsofremaining cor. ruptiotis : but when death comes,then comes a change ofall this,it will relcale rice for ever of fn and Sathan ; after death fin (tall be a burthcn no more, and Sathan Ithall be a tempter nolongcr but thou (halt be as happy as thou canft defirc,and (halt aénjoy thy God,and thy Chrift, ' without fear oftrouble, in glory,infelicity, in tier- I laity ; all the cruel infolencies of tyrants, (hallcome thort of thy foul, thou fhalc be above their malice,andbeyond thy felt. 1 Secondly,it is a change,and no worfe than achaiige,juft as Jofph changed hisgar- I Vie z. talents, and went into Pharaoh; fo thou fhaltput off day body,and go into glory ; put off thy mortality, and go into immortality. o i what terror towicked men ! a day ofehange will befall them ! 'Why didft thou of 3. fay, Oh David, there is no bands in their death, And theyare.njt in changes likeother men? Verily I fhould have checked thee,hadlt thounot recanted it prefently thy (elf. Pfal.7. 4,17, i8, to. andreported it to us, that they are fee in flippery places, and are brought intodefolation,and cart down into deftruetionin moment,and utter- ly confumed with terror; GoodLord, whata change is that to them ! they judged with infolent and unrighteous judgement the Childrenof Godnow, but deathwill change this i, ihe.unj;{ft steward fhall,be called toau account,, and. hcthat beat his , fellow fervant, (hail be eternally judged by a righteous God,and their honour (hall fnkinthe dtíft, neither (hall their riches deliver them from wrath, butthey (hall fee himwhom they have piercedandpermcured, and (hall not be able to efcape hispre- fence. A difmal thing will thisbc,that a man ill all have his honour die,and the great God put difgrace upon him ; a difinal change indeed, when aman :hall fee all his power changed into impotency, his pleafures into torment, and wrath put upon his foul ; when God (halt feparate thee from hisprefencc,thou (halt not have a drop of cafe, norany friend to afiìlt thee, nor any hope ofcomfort, thou (halt bertript of them all,and in a moment (hail a change ofall this be. O confider this (ifthere be any here) that forget God, lull he tear you in pieces and there benone to help ; remember and confider your latter end, and apply yourhearts to wifdom: Lait ofall, (hallthere be achange that (hallbefalheveryfonof man ? then,Ohebat Lfe4. this people were wife as tíryfofes faith, that theywould remember their latter end, all the dayesofour appointed time, to wait till ounchangecome. What doyou thinkof fervants towhom you had committctd fervile imployments till you carne home ; and if when you comehome they were abfent, and you foundone inthe street drunk,a- nother in a chamlìer with a ítrumpet,howwould you take this ? Brethren think up - on it; weare Godsfervants,or (hould be ; two thingsare impofed upon us,one to honòurGod, another to fave our own fouls : if he find us doingthe works of the Devil, and theflefh, and find us in the worksof theworld, howwill he take this ? Come faith God, Ihave lent you a life thus manyyears,r told you what you ihould be, and whatyou thottlddo, andwhat have youbeen doingalrthislife ? what have --_ P P P your-