Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

47 2 Deâthprevented, &c. your worksbeen ? whatcourfes haveyou taken? aretbcfe the fruits ofyour wayes, tohave a liferun over with ignórance,with prophanenefs, &c. Alas ! when a man at that time Ihall have nothing to fay but, Lord, I have lived in filch a fin all my dayes; 1 have fulfilled my owndelires ; thou haft let me in thiolkorld,andI have laboured to get a great eitate all my dayes: Another may fay,[ have rPent my time in drunken fociety,&c. What will God fay to their men? are chele the endings of thy life,the fruits of thy opportunities?where is the repentanceI called for at thy hands? where is that godly forrow that I called for,for the fins ofshylife ? didnot Ifend thee into the worldfor this end,to getGrace, to get Faith, to make up thy accounts withme 'thy God; and haft thou no regard to it? Well,thoáhaft been foolish, incotderate for the time that is paff ; yet now underftand that a day of change will befall thee. O let usbeperfwaded, I befeech you be perfvtaded to it, in thisoar day,to know the things that concern our peace, who/it it is called to day, not to harden oar hearts whilft it is called to day not to defer our repentance, thou art not af!ùred ofany more time than prefent ; Death maymeet with thee as thon Gtteft in thy feat; as thou gocft out of the Church door,and thou knoweft thy heart hath been wicked oh why wilt thou fetthy eternal eftate upon fo Nall apoint, aï it were the cart ofa Die. Itemember what Danielfaid to Nebuchadnezzar, let le haveacceptancewith I thee, breakoffthyfins byrepentance, &c. Seeing we mutt die,and appear before the judgment feat ofGod, what'manner ofperlons ought weto be in ali holinels of life and converfation? is loon as we are we begin to fin, andas foon as we are we begin to die,let us look upon our account and be faithful toour fouls;perhaps thy aécount are yet to make, ohfiie fore to let it be the firft thing thou doeft, and give thy felt no reft till thou haft doneit ; and when thou haftdone this, labour to clear it with the bloodof Chrift,labour by humble confeffion,and hearty repentance to tutnunto the Lord ; go on ina holy conrfe,nnd thenaffuredly we (halilive with joy,anddie with peace; when we can getgrace inour fouls, forrow for our fins, newnefs inour na. cures, reformation in our lives, áprightnefs inour wayes, faith in Chrift, a dïfcharge). front God, peace ofconfcience; oh what a happy day, the city the death will be to our Souls. 1 E7<Í.