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ell/1mí his lá/l Trogrefs. 475 $ut foft we cannot take our degrees in Cuff's fchool perfaltem, we mull keep our Terms, and perform our exercises, both of faith, obedience,,andpatience we mutt not lookfrom theFont, to beprefenrly put into the rivers ofpleafures, fpring ing at Gods right handfor evermore. We muff take a toylfome journey, and in it often drink of thewaters ofLACarith. We mull Puffer with Chrifl, beforewe reign with him : We muff taffeof the bitter cupof Pallion, before we drink newWine with him inhis Kingdome: we mufffora, in teetrs here,that wemay reap injoyhere- after. Every man goeth, though fome let out fooner, faine later, and 1h all arrive at hish»me, but lethim look tohis way, as the way is he takeih, fo (half thehome be intowhich he is received, ifhe take the way on the right hand,and keep within the paths ofGods commandments, his home fhali be theNew 7erufttemdefcending from God, molt glorioufly (pining withflreets ofgold, gates ofperl, andfaunditionsof prrpious honer, whereall rears ¡hall bewipedfromhis eyes ; but if he take the broad wayon the left hand and follow ir, his home ¡hall be a dungeon or vault inHell, wherehe fhallbe eternallyboth mournerand Crops. But to(hoot fometvhat nearer to themark : Marriages and Funerals though moft different aetions, andofa fee:ning contrary nature, yet are fet forthandas itwere apparelledwith parallel rites, and ceremonies; our rayments are changed inboth, becaufe in both our eftate is changed; Bells are rung,flowersare flrowed,and feaffs kept in both, andanciently both were celebrated in the night by Torch-light : He that hath but half an eye, may fce in the Ritualsof the Ancients, the blazing and fparkling as well of the funeral,as the nuptial lights ; and no marvail the shadows meet when the fubffance concur; the pi&ures refemble one the other, when the faces match; theacceflaries are correfponding, where the principals are futable as here they are ; for in marriage tingle life dieth, and in death the foul is married to Ch rift : The couple tàbe married in ancienter times, firft met, andafter an enter- view andlikingof eachother, and a contra&Ggnedbetweenthem, prefently depart- ed, the Bride to her Mother, the Bridegroom to his Fathers houle till the, wedding day, on which the Bridegroom late in the night wasbrought to his Spoufe,and then hetook herancLinfeparably linked himfelfunto her: Here thecouple to be married inman are the bodyand thefoul; at our birth thecontra&ismade,but afterafhort enterviet>ttaod finallabode together, the parties are parted, and the body the Bride returned to her Mothers houle the earth but the foul the Bridegroomtó his Fa- thershoufe, the Father of lbirits inHeaven, asboth their guefts are let forth in this chapter,verfe y. theduffreturns to theearth asir was, and the fßirittoGodthatgave it. But in the evening of the world at that dreadful night, after which the Angel fwóre therefhomldbe no more day or time here:. the foul is given by God to the body again, and then tht marriage is confummated ; and both for ever fall coupledand wedded for better; for worfe, to run aneverlafting fortune, andto participateei- ther eternal joyes or torments together. Thus man is brought to his long home; oras theSeventy and Saint Probe renders the Hebrew, bishoufeofeternity, and the mourners o aboutthe flreets: here is a Iho'rt reckoning ofall mankind, like tothat of the Plalmift, who alluding to the name of the two Patriarchs faith, Coil. ail DAAl L.47 FL, ní111 men are altogether vanity ; fo here upon the foot of In teelef, the account inBonadventurescaning, all appear wretched and miferable, difcribitur Chap as. miferia mortis in morientibus & eompatientibut, all are either dead corpfes, or fad mourners; córpfes already dead; or mournerslot the dead; andtheir courfes, and motions are two. ISaraightj matogoeth, &c. zCircular, mournersgoabout. The dead go direly to the long home, the living fetch a compafs and round a- bout : the rerthini of whichtheir motions {hall be the bounds ofmy difcourfe at this prefent. Wherein that you may thebetter difeern my paflage from point to point, I will letup fix Pofts or ffandings. r; The