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476 Tternoviíimum, or, r. TheScope. i. Coherence, ;. Senfe. 4. Parts: y. Doârine. 6. üfe. The Scope willgive light to the Coherence,the Coherence to the Senfe,the Senfe to the Parts ,theParts to theDo trjnc,theDoEtrinetotheüfe .WhereforeIhumbly entreat theafliítance of Gods Spirit, with the intentionofyours ; whifft inunfold- ing this rich piece ofArras, I (hall point with the finger to. t (Themain Scope. 1 f4 ThenaturalDivifion. The right Coherence. p g Thegeneral Dof vine. 1. The literal Senfe. l 6 The fpecial Application of this parcel of Ìroly Scripture. r. Tire Scope. Firft the Scope. o;, Although all other Canonical books of this old andnewTeftament were read in e,a .xr®eno- the Church ; yet as Gregory 2lryffcen acutely obferves; this book alone is intituled *gale Ecck ralle:, the Preacher, or Church-man; becaufc this alone in a manner tendeth dam. ; ;.xP,am f > Air' whollyEcdefiaftical policy, or (itch a kind of fife or converfation as becometh a Preacher,orChurchman. For the prime fcope ofthis hbok,is to ftirup'all religious minds to fetforth towards Heavenbetimes in the niorning ofourdayes, Chap. verle r. Remember thy Creator in the dales ofthyyouth ; to enter fpeedily into e ftriét courte of holinefs, which will bring us to eternal happinefs, to dedicate to God and his fervice, theprime in bock finks, that is the firft andbeffpart ofour time. Foras in a glafsof diftilled water the pureft and thinncft firft rnnnetlt out; and nothing but lees andmouther atthe laft, fo it is inourtime andage. Optimaqueq; dies miferismortalibus ati, primaflait. Our belt dayes firft run, andourworft atthe left : And (hallwe offer. satindig- nity to the Divine Majefty,as to offer him the Devils leavings ? florem ¿sari: diabolo' eonfecrare,feceriaDee refervare, to confecrate the top to the Dédil, and thebottom' to God; feed theflefh with the flower,and the fpirit with the bran;ferve theworld with our ftrength, and our Creator with ourweaknefs ; give up our hilt), anda.. blemembersas weapons to fin, andour feebleand weakto righteoufnefs. Will God' accept the blind,and the lame ; the lean,and the withered for afacrifice? How can ne remember our Creatorin the dayesofourage, when our memory and all other faculties of the foul are decayed; Hem (hall we bear Chrift yoak, when the grill: hoppers is a burthen untona when'we.are not able to bear our feiere, but bow un= der the foie weight ofage? What delight canwe take in Gods fervice, when care, and fear, and forrow, and pain, and manifold infirmities and difeafes wholly pofTefs the heart, and deadall the vital motionsand livelyaffetllions thereof? Oldmen are- a kind ofAntipodes to youngmen; itis evening with them, when it ismorning with thefe ; it is Autumn in their bodies, when it is Spring in thefe : the Springofthe yeartodecrepit old men,isas the Fall; Summer is winter to them,and 'Winter death; it isnopleafure to them to fee theeAlmond-treeflourif,,which is the Prognoflicarour Cupesf«,fa- oftheSpring, or theGraJhopper leap and fing, the 'Preludium ofSummer; for they der;¿. nowmindnot the lmond-thee, but the cyprèfi; northink of theGralliopper, but ofthe worm, becaufethey are far on in their way to their long home, and the mear- nera are already in thef?reets, marfhalling as it were their troops, and letting all in equipage for theirfuneral ; no dile6tableobjeas affedt their dull and dyingfenfs, but are rather grievous unto them, as the Sun andRain are toold frumpsof trees, . whichmake them not fpringagain, but rot them rather, and difpofe them to putri- faaion. And fo I have part the firft, and am come to the fecundPort or (landing. The