Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

47:g Iter novríliraaum; Or, up with forrow and fear ofdeath, and a horribleapprehenfion of judgtnent; And fo t: comet° the thirdStage, which is the littoral fenceand genuine interpre- tatioti of the words. i Asin origen his Hexapla; every wordalmoft had an Afterisk; or ihr upon it ; fo there needsaltar orfome other light tobe putupon every wordofthis Text, for there is a miff ofobfcurity upon eachof them,anda manmay well mils his way,ifhc know-not exa&ly, who ishere theman ? what's meant by hisgoing,or gate ? where 'is bit longhome? and ohence are thefe (_..9 lournert ? Q!! t. Firff, whcthcr manbe taken Co/lethivè,for the whole kind,or Spccä:s;as the Logi- ciausfprak; orDtltribxtivè for every man inparticular ,we ( hall teem tobratalots. Man taken Calletáiuè,fti,snot a foot to his long home;for Pihilofophy reprieveth uni- verlal natures from death,or ditolution: and true it is.though tingle men every day die, yet mankind dieth not : If man be taken Diftriba :r vè, for Atparticular men of what rank or quality,fvcver, we Ihall have much to do to diffinguiùi the men in the former part of .the.Text, from the mourners in the latter. If all are attended with mourners to their funeral,' then mourners thcmfelves mutt hive mour- ners; and fo either the train will be infinite, or the lag viii beairihituce ofmour- leers. e,z Secondly, whyufcth he this phrafe ofgoing, if it import death, fish fine expel death and move not at all towards it , fome run to it, to ,-Dine it is Cent ; fome leap into itgas Cleoinprouti; :fome ride to it inftate,as v-lntioches Epiphanes ; fame are tumbled down into it, as - S. Purim, Melicus; fome arc dragged to it, asSetnus? I bs a word, when deàth Iurprizethmoll men, and that in all poftures ofthc body /why is dyinghere called going? mangoeth. tie. 3. Thirdly, where is this long home? in Heaven, or in Earth, Purgatory, or Hell ? IfwefpeakofHeaven,orHell,the Epithet long falls lhort, for they are eternal habi- tations : ofPurgatory, or the grave (fuppofe there were anyPurgatory) yet nei- ther of themmay be properly termed a long home, tith neither the body flays long in the ohe,nor the fonlin the other. Qfe.4. ::,Fóurthly, wheneei.are thefe:,mournfrs? if they arc mercenary and hired from home, they areno true mourners; if they aretrue mourners, they keep their Clo feto, they gad not about theRivets, they (hut themfelves long at home for their friends that are gone to their longhome. To difpel all this miff of óbfcurity,'and fet a light-upon eachof the material wordsof-the Text. "S anfwer, Sel. t. Tothefirfh very, that a man is hereto be taken,,neither Collellive,(or all man - kind in a-lump, nor Diflributive for every particular man without,gxpeptto , but indefinite, or communiter ; for man in the ordinary courfc we tra& ; for you (hall hardly find a man that bath no friend to dropá tear into his:Grave. As for the laft men that (hall Randupon the earth, and (hall be alive at Clanks coming ; they (hall indèedpafs by deathproperly, yet they (ball dietifter afort, bypairing from a mor tal efface,- to an immortal;. and if their long homehc Heaven, they (hall need no mourners ; Ifhell,thcy (hall wantnone to bear them company ; for at Chrifls fecond 1 coining, all l¿indreds ofthe earth Ihallmournbefore him. I anfwer, Sol. I. To the fecond, thát going here is not takenpro motto progre/vo, in fpccial, as, walking,or running,but in general,for palling to another world whichwayLoever,' whether wemakeour way, or it bemade for us;.' whetherwe go to death, or death come to tit; nay whether we ftir,or lie Hill; whether we are found offoor,or lame;', never had feet,or haveloft thcm,wc gothis way ofall flclli, as I nhall thew hereafter. I anfwer, Sol. 3. To the third,that by longhome,ae,cording to the Chalice Pamphrafe,is here meant the grave, or the place where our bodies, or (to ,-peak more properly) our re- mains are bellowed and abide till the time ofthe refhtutionof all things ; the Ori- ginal is Bethgnolemo, whichSt.,yerame renders domumarernitatiufie, bccaufe from thence (asLyranoteth) he never returneth to live here ; or the houfeof his hidden time,to wit,where he licth hid inhis Coffin, andno eye feeth him: whereunto holy Job alluding, faith, Chap.4.to. Man diethandwafletbawaj,andgivetb tip thegholI, and