4.8o Iter nowiíTimum, or, Rtaddle fsbri- mur fuotidie e- nim'domitur a- tiqua ear, vita Boa. in form. Senibur mori di irr januit Jr. ventibus ,n on- 1 dhr. there but mourners ? Our life is apilgrimage, fo it is termedby Jacob, Gen.47.9. the dates of the years ofmy pilgrimage are t;oyears ; And by David, Phi. 119. 5.4 Thy ftatutes have been my fangs in the houfe ofmy pilgrimage ; andweare all pil- grims and ffrangers , t Pet. a. tt. and our fathers were no better ; vfal. 39. to. I am a*anger, andfèjourner, as all myfathers were, Pita eft via,. omnesChrifüa- nsu viater. Our life isa way,and every man livingin this world a paffcnger.Adire& motion,andthat continuate,anduninterrupted from the cradle to, the cofftn,from the womb to thetomb,is the way ofall flefh,away in which children walk,before they can go, and old men crawl, when they cannot now go ; Infants who never had the life of their limbs, and impotent old whohave loft them, yet run this race, wherein though foremakea longer line, and others a fhorter, yet all finial the courfe: a ltrange race,wherein though a manRand 'tillor Ieep, yet headvancethforward, and gainethground ; and hegoeth to much the fatter, by howmuch he is the weaker for the lefs vigorous, the more fpeedily he tends to his long and fall home : the t hourglafs is running, whether thepreacher proceeds, or marks apawfe ; and the (hip is failing whither it is bound, when we fleep in our cabine : fo whether we wakeor fleep,móveor reft, bebulkor idle, mind it,or mind it not, we walkon to ward our longhome. That which Saint Paul fpake in amoral, or divine fenfe, Senecamakes good in a natural ; We die daily, for everyday,nay every hour,we lofe fome part of our life ; as ouryears increafe, fo our time décreafeth ; for themore years, months, dayes,or hours thatwe have lived, the lets we have to live : the glafs is running, not only when the lall fanddrops out, but:all the while. : fowe are expiringanddying,from therunningof thefirfl fand .inthe hour glafs ofourlife,to the laft,fromthemoment we rece ve breath, to themoment that we breath out our Taft gafp. Thus the man in my text goeth;or rather runneth íäll inhis natural courfe, that is, everyman, for the word in the,originalis Adam,in whomwe all die,whois fo termed from idama;,theearth, not that more loud part ofthe earth, butthe brit. Cleft ófall, red earth, fand, or duff, Pelvises in pulveremivia,Of duff thou art made, and doff ihall be made of thee. Now ifthere be any livingupon earth, who bath none ofthis earth in him, let him balk the way ofall flesh ; bur if the earth be an ingredient, nay, a predominant in his compofition,then affure bimfelf his refolution fhallbehitoit, for the ¶D4 trill relues, to the earth itu,u, ve.7. Plato conceived the celeftial bodies to be made,asit were,of the flower andpureft of the elements, but the fublunary, and terreftial of thebran and lees. (Beloved) weare made ofdregs, and our mother,is muther,coufin-germainto corruption once removed,all men are either young or old ; the difference between them is no more, than we find in the tranflationsofmyText; theold man, it, theyoungman, ibit; theoneis now going,the other fhall go to his long home t the one maydie foon,the other cannot live long; ifhe die naturally, he keepeth his ownpace, andgoeth of himfelf; ifhe die byviolence, he is driven forward, and amending his pace, fooner arivethat his long home. But as there is a natural body, anda .liritual body ; an earthly Adam, anda hea- venly : fo there isa natural courfeofman, ofwhich I have finifhedmydifcourfe; and a fpiritual, of whichLam yet to begin : As the natural life, fo the Chriftian is a progrefs in which we ought not to flay, bur toadvance, HI proceeding from grace tograce, and vertue to vertue ; Ifweever look to thine as the Sun in the kingdom oftheFather; wemuff notbe like jafhuahis Sun that/bed/id ; or Hezekiah's that went back tendegrees ; but like David,, which like avant runs his courfe, and ne. ver ceafeth ; Ineed not direâ any man in his natural courfe from life to death,every man knows it, and whether he knowsit or no, he ;hall accomplifh it, the fpiritual courfe is more confuderable, which is,itinerarium addeism, a Journal to eternity,a progrefsfrom earth toheaven ; this progrefs a manbegins at hisregeneration, and in part endeth in his diffolutionby Death, but wholly and fully after his Refurre- &ion ; the way here is Chrift, the viaticum, theblefledSacraments; the light,the Scriptures; the guides, theMinutera of the Word; the thieves that lie inwait to rob us ofour fpiritual treafure, thedevils ; our convoy the Angels ; ourífages fe veral'