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af anhis Lß7'rogref.. feveral vertnes and degrees of perfection, the City to which we bend otir courfe; yerufalem that is above, wherein are many M unions, or eternal houfes. And thusas before theold man, fonow thenewmangoeth tohis longand eternal home, without anyretcingplace between, at which all the ordinary fort of the Ito - manitts mutt bait, though little for their cafe, cooling or refrefhing, for it is in hot-houfe ; nay, abottle all onfire ; nay all offire, and thatas hot as hell ; 1 mean Purgatory, wherewith ifSolamonhad beers acquainted, he would have changed this motto ofmortality, and not have faid, mangoeth to hù eternalhome ; but to his pùr. ging bath,and the Friers go about the ftreets,finging Mafles andDirges for his foul affuredly if the fouls of thofe that die under the Gofpel need a facrificc tò deliver them from the torment of a temporary hell, or Purgatory fire, the fouls of them that died under the Lawmuch more nécded it ; why then did Moles appoint none for them? whydid none of the infpired Prophets pray for thercleafeof their fouls? Solomon if there hadbeen fuch a ftop in the mid-way, would have madea paule in his fpeech, and not laid immediatelyman goeth, Adamson eternitatùfua, into Isis everlaltinghotne, as the Seventy, and the vulgar Latine, which no Papift uponpain ( ofacurfe , canrejeff, reader the Hebrew Bethgnolomo. Purgatory is no fuels home; therefore Gregory ofNeocefarea, and Cyprian fo expound this Text, that they quite leave out this imaginary fire kindledin thepaper walls ofPurgatory. Gregory faith, the good man marcheth out joyfully towards his eternal houle, but the wicked draws back and bedews thethrelhold with tears,and fills alt with lamentations : and that wemaykilow tvhen amantakethpoflelïon ofhis eternal home, Saint Cyprian telsus it is upon the expiringofour leave in the poor tenement ofour bodyt, If there be a Purgatory for Soulsafterthis life,whynot for bodies alfo which need as much purgingas fouls? iffuch a place be to be found, we arc certainly like to heat of itfrom Philofophyor Divinity, and maydifover it cither in the mapof the World, or in thetype ofHeaven, theholy Scripture. Naturegives us no notice of any fuch place ; in Scripturewe find indeeda Purgatory, but it is either in the laver ofour regeneration, or inthe blood of ourrcdepmtion, for fo we read, t Yoh,: I. 7. The bloodofjefacChrifl cleanfeth, orpurgeth us fro*allfins ; if from all fins, then inane are left, to be burned out with Purgatory fire. The Phiiofophers indeed de. fcrii e a fire in the night,which they call içnùfataas,,or the fools .fare,heeaufeit leads fools out of their way, whereby they often fall into boggs, or thieves hands ; is I not this Komith Purgatory, that ignirfatabte, that leads fools in the night of er ror ont of their right way, whereby they truly fall into thieves hands ? 1 mean the MonksandFriers,Priefts,and Jefuites ; whet though they cats purge neither the bo dies, nor the foulsof the deceafed, yet they can the purfesof the living,by thefe fire- works oftheir wit. But I lift not todwell any longer its Purgatory, beeaufe there is üo fuch real place, either in the world, or out of it. Iamnow come, though long fide, to mans long home, which cannot be defcribed its a (bort tinse,and therefore I leap intomy laft liege, which as yaú may remember was ; theApplication ofthe Text to this fad oecafian. As a contrary order is ufed aeompfitivemethod, tothatwhich is taken in.arefolutive, foImuft now ufc in the Applicationof my Text, a methoddirea contrarytothat which I followed in my Explication: for therein firft I flievìedyou how the natural mats goeth to his long, and the Spiritual to his eternal home ; andafter h9 n, and why, and what fort of Mourners wentaboutthe ftreets lamenting the dcceafcd; but now lam ftrftto fpeak of the Mourners, who have already finiihèdtheir circular motiaá, and then ofthe dire& motion ofthe Man, the manof quality, the manofworth, the manofestate and credit,who is alreadyarrived at hislong Lete,and now entring intohis long home. Touching the Mourners I cannot but take notice of their number and quality ; the number is great we fee, yet wefee not all who yet are the trite Mourners, pour- hagout their fouls to Godwith tears in their privateclofets. . Ilk doles verè, pi fine retie dolet. Her portion offorrowlikeBenjamint, is five times more than any others, whore lofs of a Husband, andfuch a Husband is invaluable. Secondly, the qualityof the 1 ,. s Mourners }Evi tempera.- lie finecompleto cd eterna vol mordí tie!im- mortali,ati, hofpisia dividi Sofa, aus exa ritt inne. Application.