4 Iter noviífirxaúm; r, Mournets is not flightly to be pairedby, debitur ïisreligiofa mora ; for, not only great 'tore of the Gentry andCommons, but famealto of the Nobility; the chief l Officers of the Crown, and Peers ofthe Realm ; riot Religion only and learning, but Honour andJuftice allo pathput on Blacks for him,thereby teftifvingto all men their joynt=refpe£t to him, and mifs of him. And if any prompted by Judie. (hall objeét againft this Solemnity andprolixe ceremony; kt quidperditio ifla? To what ferves this wafte ? might not the money have been better expended in charitable Alms, to the reliefofvery many poor. Ianfwerinthe wordsofour Saviour, Hie oportet facere; & illanonomittere; hofeworksofcharity they fpake of ought to bedone: and there ofdecentRites and ceremonies not to be leftundone: the ruleof the Apoltle, Let allthingsbedone decently and inorder, is warrant as wellfor the due Exequies ofthe dead; as Obfequies of the living: ifall thingsmuff be done de- cently, and in order; in theState and Common-wealth, muchmórein the Church, whofe emblem is, Acietordinata, an Army marl willed inexcellent order, withBan nerfdifplaycd5 and ifall things in the Church mull be lo carried; then Funeralsas well as Nuptials, Burials as well as Chriftnings ; and if fo, then ought they to be celebrated not afterthe prepofterousmanner ofTomein the night as worksofdark- nefs : butiá the day asworks ofPiety,inhonour of themwho have received the in- heritance ofSaints in light, not penurioufly and barely, but nobly and. liberally ; where the quality of the dead requireth it, and the eftate will bear it.. Howbeit I confers, that as Magnificence is always a vertue, fo prodigality is avice ; and one' of thofe malter-vices whichbath gotten a great head in his Kingdom, and a Garland upon it. Yet to do the dead right; though luxury be guilty ofthe deathof many e yet the dead are no way guilty ofthisfuperfluity, they neither order ir, norare fen- fibleof it neither is the prodigality (under the weighty burden whereof theLand groanet)) fo much feen in blackcloaths, as inSilks and Velvets, cloath ofGold and Tilfue ; not in jetas in Pearl, and preciousstones ; not inbuildin'Marble Sepiil'. chers for the dead, as Marble houles for the living; not in armory, as in luxury ; not in pendants,asinattendants; notin'Funerals,asin Nuptials,Masks and Pageants, Court entertainments, and City feafts,at whichif I itellitid' or Aficld'" Werebidden; they would condemn themfelves for too much frugality. What Seneca fpake of time, feint temporieprodigifimer, twins unites konefta oft avaricia, we are lavifh of our time, of whichcovetoufnefs is only commendable; we may'invert, and with . truth confers, we are frugal for themolt part in thole things (Imean thefcrvi'ceof the livingGod; and offices ofpiety to the dead) wherein notonly bounty, butmag= nificenceallá ismoft commendable: if any be otherways minded, and and grudge at this laft honour to thedead, andcomfort to the living; I lhallufe noo- then reproofofhimat this prefent, than a like to that ofConftäntine recorded in Eu= febitu, "Go to 4c4fas who art fo precife, and hold eft none worthy,to keep pace "with thee, fac fcalam, & afcende foltr, in calum, Make a ladder, and, climb uj "aloneupon it toHeaven. So let there Men' makethema Bete like 'thencw-found Chariots in the Low-countreys,that runof themfelves without a.driver;apd let them be Carriedalone in it to their longhome ; Let no Mourners' follow' them,. not-eye pity them, or shed a tear for them. 21rec enim lex Milerulla elf. But let themwhohave lived incredit die inhonour; let them', who in theirlife time did manygood offices to thedead,. after they are dead- receive the like offices from the living. Out ofwhich number, envy it fell cannotexempt our deceafed brother. Ofwhole natural-parts peife&ed byArt and learning,and his Morral much improved b race. I {hall faynothingby wayOfamplification but this,that nothing can bef :raid of them by way of amplification. All rhetorical exaggeration. will prove a !Kei.Pts diminutionof them. In fum, he was a molt provident houlholder, loving Husband,indulgentFather,kind Landlord, and liberal Patron. So kinda Landlord, that when his Tenantswerebehindwithhim, he was fo' far fromfuing.them,orput- ting.them to trouble to extort his due from them ; that instead of receiving from theme