4 4 Iter noviíiimum, the poor, whereof chefe following came to my notice. ToSaint LAtargarers in Fs e imínffer, to pound. To Kempsford, 6o pound. To'Coley, 6o pound. To roome, and theWoodlands, too pound. To uarmefter, too pound, ToTieverell, and 1'Iounten,joo pound. The 'aft aureagutta,whicht (hallprefentto yourview atthis time,was hisfervencyofzeal for the truthof theGolpel ; in all theBenefices which he bcffowed,he tookfpecial care tomakechoice ofmen found in the Faith,no way warping either to Popith fuperftition, or fchifmatical reparation t as he made greateft account ofthofe Miniftersof the Gofpel,whowere ferventin fpirit,iealous for the truth; fo he hatednonemore than temporizers,and luke-warm Laodiceans he feldom fpake of any Romanift without expreffing a great detcffation of their idolatry,andfuperffition: the night beforehe changed this life for a better,after an humble confeflion of his fins in general, and a particular profeffionoftheArticles of his beliçf,in which hehad lived, andnowwas refolved to die, he added; Irenounce' all Popifh fuperftitiou, all mans merits, truftingonly upon the merits of theDeath and pafllon ofmy Saviour ; and whofoever trulteth onany other, (hall find when he is dying, if not before, that he leaneth upon broken reeds. Hereafter the be.. oediebon ofhis Wife and Children, being requiredby me to cafe his mirid, andde- clare, ifany thing lay heavy upon his eonfcience; heanfwered, nothing he thanked God ; yet like an obedient child ofhis Mother, theChurch ofEnoland, bothhear- tily defired,and receivedher abfolution:andnow profcffing thathewasmoff willing to leave the world ; hebefought all to pray for hint ; and himfelfprayed molt fer. vently, that God would enable him patiently to abide his goodwill and pleafure; and to go through this laff and greateft work of faith and patience : and the pangs ofDeath foon after coining upon him, he fixed his eyes ónHeavenfrom whence came his help, and to theTaft gafp, lifted up his hand, as it were to lay hold on that Crownof righteoufitefs,which Chrift reachethout to allhis csildren,who hold out the good fight ofFaith to theend, and conquer in the end ; Which crown of righteoufnefs, the Lord who hath purchafed with his blood, after we have finifhed`j hkewife our courfes, ofhis infinite bounty bellow upon us all. Cut, &c. ( TEMP`US