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486 Tempus putatioslis, or, defigned to do this office, and he richly provided for it ; ofwhom I may truly fay uHomer of1Ucffor. Vustecè F Í4,145 . yneziat ¡oreul'ñ. .. Cxjtieex -Ore melledulüor,flxeb ttoratio. But fith it bath pleated theDivine Providence,- vohofe footffeps arenot known, to take away for atime theufe offii$ `fcet,who fhöuld at this time h'avéflood on this holy. 3 orent. Bounden datyand'fèrkicehathlazd uponme Gemfue Phiceens task ; and I am confirained as he was in-opia molli: cera mortuum circum liner:, to ufe Wax for Want ofHoney,aind vulgar oyle inRead ofprecious balm : ¡my beftApo- logy'is, that I prayed heartily with .Mofes, that God would fendthe mëffage (I am to deliver) byhim by whomhe fhouldfend : But he will make choyce ofhis own infirm. ments, and fometnnes of fet purpofe he will makeufe of the weakand ignoble, the more to thew his power throughthe infirmity,and glory through the ignoblenefsof the means. Thewalls ofJerreo :hall falfwith a noifeonly,and this»oilè!hall not be the !brit and Tweet foundofficer Trumpets,but the harfhandhollow foundofRams horns ; and even from this difappointing of the chief atior in this mournfulScene, and taking allovicein hisroom,you may gather thisfloor as it were by the way,and flrew it with others upon the Hearfè, that wecannot refolve, or certainly buildupon ` any thing inthis World;we arc lure ofnothing,not fomuch as of the Tomb,we fhall be laid in,not of our winding-Iheet,not ofour grave-cloaths, not ofour Mourners,, not of our Pretiher : We are not fuze of our Tomb-ftone, for when lofephs'of 4imathea hewedont aTomb- ftoneout of the Rock, he intended it for himfelf ; yet was he not laid there, but-our Saviour in it : We are not Pure of our grave- cloaths, and winding _ fh cet : forHeliogobalut the Emperor provided himfelfofrich furniture its this kind ; and moreover,m cafe he Ihould come to a violent end,to be forced to makeaway himfelf, he kept by him golden fetters, and filkenropes, and made a Bath ofRofe-water to drown himfelfin, yet none ofall there were madeufè ofat his miferablc death and ignominious burial in a lay ftal. Nay, a man is not fure that his skin (hall coverhis flefh, for Zifcahis-skin was plucked offafter his death, Codon, hill, and a Drummade of it. Laftly, a man isnot lure ofhis Bearers or Mourners, nor I. may add, the Preacher who ¡hall make his Funeral Sermon , as you learn to your coils this G,ovi,ad, d,- day. For that eaceffve leech of Saint yerome, abufing himfelfin comparifon of quenria, on- Arrffinwe will provedefelhve, in exprefling the difference between himwhomyou dirinni,veffied hear, and whom you lliould hear. 1Thali thinkmyfdfhappy if Ican but tread in agoeinis & yr an y of o Ì' his fie s imprint, but one ofhis notesCo our heart. Whichthat I maydo tilima par, lu- ' or p f % r;> - ¡dnruta thebetter, I have borrowed his charaaers, Imeanthe words ofthat Text which he duns v,rtor r- chofe, as belt befiitingthis occafon, wherein we fee that performed to oneof the :is hobo '1 fonsof Abraham, which was longago promifed to the Father of the faithful, that, flo,dom,, i" he /houldgoto his Father: iso peace, andbe buried in agood oldage. u, i,rbecillita, oclorom far, Thehandof a dead man firoakingthe part, cures the Tympany, and certainly the confiderationof death, is a prefent means to cure thefwelling of pride in any ; for in this life many things make odds between men and women as birth, education, -*fag.l.doiVat. wealth, alliance and honour : but Deathmakes all even, relict Sepulchra,faith Saint ep gut. re(pka fepulchm, eAuffin ° f survey mensgraves, and tell me thenwho is beautiful, andwho isdeformed: da vide guis lerv; all there have hollow cyes,flat notes, and ghaftlylooks; NireusandThefirtes cannot p;, Dominus, be there diftinguithed tell me whois rich, andwho is poor ; all there wear the fame quit dive, & weed, their windingtheet: Tell me, who isnoble, andwho is haft and ignoble, the qui, panpar,do. worms claim.kindredof all : tell me, who is well- hoxfed, andwho rll, allthere are be- ¡u'o f poses vinEium ar.gr, Bowed in dark anddankifh rooms under ground. if this will not fatisfie you,take a forum; debilii lieve and lift the daft and allies of all men,and there me which is which. I grant there pnlchnum d do- is tome difference in duff : there is-powder ofDiamonds, there isgolddaff,and brats' fora. pin-ditft, andfan duff, and common duff ; thepowder ofDiamonds refembles the re -I mains of Princes; gold duff, the remains of Noble-men ; pen-duff, the remains of the Trades-man; . fan-duff, the remains ofthe day.labourer,and commonduff,the re- mains-