DELIVERANCE FROM TH E KINCs oO FEARS: f FREEDOM FROM THE FEAR of DEATH- SERMON III. HE B R. D. Iy. For 40 much then as the children are partakers offlelh andblood, be alfa himlf likeee/i tookpart of thefame, that through dear, he might de-1 Troyhim that had thepower ofdeath, that is the Devil: anddeliver them, who through thefear ofdeath, were all their life timefuhjea to bondage. N thefe words thatI have read, (to let pats other parts of the Chapter) the Apoftle fets down the humiliation of Chrift with the fruit of it; His Humiliation in his Incarna- tion and death. The fruit ofit in fubduing him that bad the power ofdeath, and delivering thofe that were kept under the fear ofdeath in bondage all their {l1 time. At this time we, { in will deliveri g thole that were lept under frnit of thefear of death. death , The perlons that arekept under thisfear , are Paid to be the children ; Gods ownchildren , thofe for whom Chrift died, yet theywere kept under the fear ofdeath , and that at Ionic particular time, when tentation had got fome fpecial advantage over them , but it was'a trouble, and a burden to them aß their life long, and that not a fmall burden, oran eafie trouble, but fuchas kept them asin bondage F The