Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

?he l ipeAlmondgathered. 4 i iSPeace ofEftate. z Peace of Body. 3 Peace of-Confcience. Firft, thou (hallgo to thyfathers inpeace, that is, in a peaceable time,orthedayes of peace ; the 'harms I tordhewed thee hanging over thyPofterity, (hall not fall in thy time, but thou (halt die in a bleffed calm ; thy houle being fet in order,and thy friends about thee,thy children !hall dole thineeyes,and theywhom thou brought- elt into the World, fhallcarry thee with honour out ofthe World. Secondly, thou fhalt go to thyfathers in peace, that is, thou (halt have an tale anda quiet pats looa,aolae there shall be no great ftrugliug at thy departure, but a kind partingof foul andbody ; thy foul (hall earneftly deliire to return to the Father offßirits, and though thy body (hall contend in courtefie to ftay it a while, yet it (hall without much ado yield : thou (halt like a ripe Apple fall from theTree with- out plucking, or a violent blaft of wind, thou shalt go out of thy felf as a golden Taper whenthe wax is fpent, and thou (halt leave a fweet finell, agoodname likea precious perfume after thee. Thirdly, thou/haltgotothyfatherstnpeace: that is, in peace ofconfcience, and peace with God, which paffeth all under(landing ; thou{halt haveno trouble in thy mind at the hour of death, no terrours d conference, no fearful confli&withdc- fpair, no dangerous affault of Sathan, or flafhes ofhell fire, all thy fins (hall be blown away like a cloud, and the beams of Gods countenance (hall Thine brightly upon thee, and dry up all thy tears, nonfit impii, non/ic, it (hall not befawith thewicked, itshall not be fo with them, for there is no peace to thewicked faith myGod, neither in life nor death ; but asa ruff fra is taffeft ofall, and'aloft foamingand raging ofall at the (hoe ; fo the life of a wicked man is alwáyes unquiet,but moft troublefomeat all near theend. If he die not in fomegarboil, as Sylla; or in the a&ofuncleannefs withJobnthe-Twelf; orvoidinghisentrals with Arrius; or rending his bowels with futian ; or fallingupon his own fword, with Nero; or railing and,raging, with Latomus ; ifhe benot punifhed in body with fome violent fit of ficknefs, or unfufferable pang of torment,yet hegoethnot to his fathers inpeace; forthereisfent á hue and cry after him to apprehendhim, and lay him in chains ofdarknefi till the generalAfzes at the dreadful dayof Doom, when he (hall not be found ofGod in peace, but in wrath, and reading in the look of theJudge ofquick and dead his dreadful fentence ; he (hall cry to the hills tofalluponhim, and to the mountains to cover him from the prefence ofgod,andwrath ofthe Lamb. And thoulimit be buried in agoodoldage. Although the heathen Philofophers made littleaccount of Burial, as appearedby that fpeech ofTheodorus to the Tyrant, who threatned to hanghim; ¡little palsby it whether my carkafi putrifleabove the earth, or in it ; and the Poet feems to be of his mind, whofe ftrongline it was, Ccelo tegitur qui nonhabet urnam. whichwas Pompeys cafe,andhad like tohave been 0Alexanders,and WilliamtheCon- 'querors. Yet all Chriftians who conceive more divinely on the foul, deal morehu- manly with the body,which theyacknowledge to be membrum Chrifli,and Templum { Dei,a memberof Chrifl,and Temple ofGod. If charity commands thee tocover the naked, faith Saint Ambrofe, howmuch more to bury the dead ? when a friend is ta- kingalongjourney,it is civility forhis friends to bringhim on part ofthe way;when our friends are departedandnowgoing to their grave,they are taking their (all jour- ¡ ney, from which they ;hall never return till timefhall be no more, and can we dolefs than by accompaning the Corps to the grave, bring them as iswere part on their way, and flied forne few tears for them,whomwe fhall feeno more with mortal eyes ? The Prophetcalleth the grave ,Ififcabin,alimpingchamber, or refting place, andwhen we readScriptures to them that are departing, and give them godly inftru &ionsto die ; we light themas it were to their bed; and when we fend adeferved teftimony after Efey 4i. la. Apoc. 6. t6. Eraq,..4popb, Theodor° pa. rum inreref burningan in- fublime puree(. eat. Terruf di re. fared.