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493 z a m ./E .9C : O R, CHRISTS TRILiMPH OVER DEATH. A Funeral Sermon Preached at Lambeth, ellug. 3. f63 9. SERMON XLIII. r Cor. ay. 55. o Death, where is thyfling? o Grave, where is thy viétory ? Fear left fome here prefent, that are ofa more meltingdifpo_ fition, flung with the fenfc of their prefent lots, and over- come with grief and forrow for it,may frameananfwer with. a deep 11gh to the Interrogations in my Text, laying, here is Deaths fang, here is the Gravesviftory : here is Deaths fling, for it barb flung him to death, who was the flay of my comfort,and joy ofmy life ; here is the Gravesviffory, for it holdeth the Corps ofmy dearef}Friend captive, and chafe prifoner in his Coffin. Ifany thus troubled in mind, hear me this day, let them flop the flood. gate of their tears,and lengthen their pati- ence but to an hour, and by Gods afliífance in theExplication, and Application of this parcel ofScripture, I will make it appear to them that their Friend is not dead, but