Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

494- To Pecan, or, 1 1 I but fleepeth ; and that death bath not fwallowedup him, but he hath fwallowedup, death into sa5tory : and that already in foul he infulteth over Death in the words of my "Text; O .Death where is fling? and (hall hereafter in body,when this corrup tibiefhall put on íncorreeptton,inful t inlike manner over the grave faying,Ograve where is thy viliory ? i 'i his fentence is like aRingofGoldc.tamelled,or cloth of Tiff= finbroidered,or a piece of rich plate curionfly wroughtand engraved, materiamfuperavit opus ; the vw.orkmanfhip feems to go beyond,or at leafl equal the metal,for thisfentence con-' filteth of three figures at leaf!: ter. 22. z9. Firft, anApoftrophe which bya kind of Miracleof art giveth life todead things, and ears to the deaf, liketo that, O earth, earth, earth, bear the voyce of the Lord. J Ela, ;7. [;. _ Secondly, an infidtationlike to that in the Prophet Efay,te here ere the GadfofHa- mar, and thegods of Arphad, or the gods of the City ofSepharítaim. Thirdly,adouble Mctaphor,thc former taken from a Serpent,Bee,Wafp',orHor- net : the latter taken from a Conqueror : for Death is here comparedto a Bee, Wasp, Hornet or Serpent. without a fling : the Grave to a Conqueror that hath loft hisbooty;1,5rprifoner, Odeath, &e. Such Drawn- workewroughtaboutwithdi- verfcolonrs of Art, we findoften in the Sacred context, cfpecially in the Prophefies ofthe ment,and theEpiftles of Saint Paulin the new. If we look up to the heavens, we find in fome'part of the skie fingle ítars by themfelves ; in others a fonfleUation or conjunftion of many Liars : fo in fome paflagcs ofholy Writ you Matth.as. i S. I may obferveone figureor trope, as namely a membrure orfimiliter cadence, as, I ;a washungry, and yougaveme meat; I was thirfty, andyoesgave me drink; Iwas na- ked, andyouclothedme ; I wasftck,andin prifin, andyou vettedme ; or an Allegory, as, Where thebody is, there theEagles mill begathered ; or an Apoftrophe, as, Rear,Ó heavens, and bearken,O earth ; or an Exclamation, Oh that they werewife, then the Match. z¢aß would underfland this ! Ob that mypeoplewould have hearkned to myvoyce,andthat If E r. z, rael would bave w ked iäm wa es! In other affa es, a con uniìionandcombina- Deut. jz.z9, y y P g 1 Pfal S r. 11. nonofmanyfìgutés,and ornaments of fpeech,as in that Text of the Prophet Jeremy, jct. S. ss. Is there no balm itsÇilead, noPhylitias there? why then is not the healthofmypeo- ple reflored ? In Which one verfe you maynote four figures. Firft an interrogation for moreemphatical convilion. Secondly,acommunication, for more familiar in- ltru&ion. Thirdly, an Allegory for more lively expreflion. Fourthly, an eApofta- pefss for fafer reprehenfion : and the like we obferve in our Saviours exprobation, O that than kneweft in this thyday, the things that belong to rhypeace ! O yerufalem, Luke+9.404 . ,yerufalem, which killefl the Prophets , and ftonefl thofe that aretent unto thee ; how Mash z;. 27 often would Igave gathered thy children, as a ben dothher chickens, and thouwould/! not ! Here is apolie of rhetoricalflowers, and Exclamation, o f cognoviffes, a reticen- tia; at leaftin this thy day, faltemin hoe die rem ; A repetition, yernfalem,yerufalem, an interrogation ; how oft would!? quotier volai? And la(tly, an Icon or lively ex- pteffion to theeye ; Rent galina congregatpellostoms ; As the bengatbereth her chick- ensunder her wings. Where are now our Anabaptifts, and plainpack.Ftaffmethodifls, whoefteemof all flowers of Rhetorick in Sermons no betterthan (linking weeds,and ofall elegancies of fpecch then of prophane fpells ? For againft their ixills,at unawares theycenfure the holy Oracles of God in the fit ftplace,which excel all otherwritings ; as well in eloqucnce,as in Science;doubtlefs as the breath ofa man bathmore forcein a Trunk, and the wind a lowderand fwecter found in the Organ-pipe, than in theopenair,fo thematter ofour fpeech,and the theam ofour difcourfe, which is conveyed through figures, and forms ofArt, both found fwcet to the ear, andpierce deeper into the heart, there is in them plus 4teey!ai and c e:,4 r, more evidence, andmoreeffrcacie, they made a fuller exprefsion,and take a deeper imprefsion. Secondly, where are our prophane Criticks, who delight in the fleJb-pots ofEgypt,and loath tafanna,ad- mire carnal eloquence in Poets, and heathen Orators, and task the Scriptures for niviu. '''ft;'"' rìide fimplicity,andwant ofall Art and eloquence? It is true,theScripture is written de" ,,,álíá, ne, in a (tyle peculiar to it felf, the elocution in it is fuck (asLaltantius obfervetn) aZto,;Pp4 thatit befittedno other books, as neither doth that wefind in other books befit it. As the