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Chri /rTriumphover Death. 497 (s. By fire, asthe Sodomites. I z. By water, as the old World. me{3, By the infe&ion of theAir, as threefcore and ten thoufand in Datsids time. ¡4. By the openingof theearth, as Corali, Datban and Abirain, eimphirasu, L and two Cities, Buris, andBelice. Some meet with Death fr. Their Coach, as Antiocbus. k z. Their Chamber, as Domitian; 13. Their Bed, as ,yobn theTwelf. rn {4. Their Theater, as Caligula. g. The Senate, as Golan 16, TheTemple, asZenacherib. 7. Their Table, as Claudius. (8. At the Lords-Tàble,as Pope Piiaar,and H'enrj ofLnxenbnrge. Death woundethand ttriketh fonte (r. APen knife, asSeneca. Ia. A ftilletto, as Henry the Fourth. 3. A sword, as Paul. With4.. AFullers -beam, as James the Lords Brother. 16S. A Saw, as lfaiab. . A (lone, as Pyrrhus. E7. A thunderbolt, as Antiffatiui, What fhould I fpcak ofFelones de fe, fitch as have thrownaria) their fouls. Sardanapaltas made a great fireand leapedinto it. Lucretia (tabbed her fell. Cleopatra put an Alpe toher breaft, and Bung therewith died prefently. Saulfell upon his ownfword. Yudas hanged himlelf. Palmists cut his ownveins. Heremius beat out his own brains. Licinius choaked himfelf with a napkin. Portia died by fwallowinghot burningcoals. Hannibal fucked !soyfon out ofhis ring. Demoffbcnesout ofhis Pen, did. what feemeth fo too fe as thefoul and the bodÿ, which is pluckedout with a hair, driven outwith a knell, fraied out with a phancy ? verily that feemeth tobe but a breath in the noftrits which is taken away with a fcent ; a fhadow which is driven away wish a fcare crow a dream which is frayed away with a phanfie ; avapour which is drivenaway with a puffe; a conceit which goes away with a palfion ; a toy that leaves us with a laughter t yetgriefkildHOmor, laughter Pbilemon, a hair in his milkFabiui, a flip in his throat eAdrian, a fmell of lime in hisnoftrils Jovian, the fnuffof a candles Child inrliny,a kernil of a &aifonAnacyeon,and an Icefiicle onein Martial, which caufeth the Poet to melt into tears, faying, 0/414mori nonelf, fl jugulatit aqua ? what cannot make an end of us , if a fault drop of water congealed can do it? in there regards we may turn the affirmative inmy Text into a negative, andfay truly, thoughnot inthe Apoftles fence, Odeathsbereis nottbyfling? for we fee it S f a thruft