500 Io Poean, &c. Enoughbath been faits toconvince us,that Death whichbefore waslike a Serpent I armedwith a deadly fting,is nowbut like a filly flie that huzzahabout us,but cannot fling. Yet aslong as there is finin us,we cannot but in fomcdegree fear Death : and asking as natural affe&ion remains in us, takeon for them thatare taken away. Nei_ ther doth Chriftian religionpluck out thefe affeelions by the root, but only prune them. All that my exhortation driáethunto, is but to moderate Ninon byrealon; fear byhope,grief by faith,and nature by grace : Let love exprefs it felt; yet fo that inaffc&ion to the dead,we hurt not the living t Let thenatural "firingsoftears fsell, butnot toomuch overflow their bang;: let not oureyes be all upon our lofs on earth, but our brothers gain allo in heaven, and let the one counter-ballance at leaft, the other. The parish hath loft a great ftay;hiscompany in London a fpecial ornament; his Wife a careful Husband, her Children a moft tender Father, the poor a good friend ; forbcfidesthatwhichhisrighthandgaveinhislife .time,whichhislefthand knewnot of ; by his Will he bequeathed certain fiimsof mony, for a flock to thofe Parisheswherein he formerly lived, and to the poor of this, twenty pounds to be cie eorifaleo. diílributedat his Funeral. Many (Nall find lofsof him, but hehathgained God,and Perielmt "e'- is found ofhim (no doubt) in peace, for there weremany tokens ofa true childof ram h' °Ya God, very confpicuotiá in his life and death. He lovedthe habitationof Cods boufc; '"tea q "pd" andthe place wherehid honour He was jail in his dealings, and ou ht peace dam du.ábtn f g. P ftüt orbatam, all his life, and enfued it he forgot nothingfo eauly as wrongs, and though he quiufq; w for- enjoyed the bleffings of this world in abundant%eafure, yet he joyed not in th"em, to& cssß,u' his heart waswhere his chief trea&erelay,in heaven : he foretoldhis owndcath,and f"e 05 "'r"` themannerthereot,thstit fh.ould befudden; and ridden itwas,yct not unexpe&ed; pf°rf "r Gc F>i Rino habit" nor unprepared for; for three dayes before, hefet his houfe in order, and defired to eaánq; d;mi convene with Divines, and all his dìfcourfes was of the kingdom ofGod, and the ""tit, n""- powers ofthe life to come. When the pangsofdeathcame upon him, he prayedmolt l Timm eerenam earnefll anddefired if it fo flood with Gods goodpleafure to be eafcd yet uttered de capite de- y a p , pot "erk. no fpecchofimpariency, but beingasked how he did, anfw.ered that he wasinGods'' Horatiat P"t- hands, to whom hecommitted hisfoul as his faithful Creatour, and fo died as quietly idi/u' dome " as he lived ; wherefore fith he lived in Gods fear, and died in his favour, and that! dent Jon deli- tabu stun fo- a rifeagain in his p though owers ththe lofs of himbea greatcut unto us, as the lotsof a ; kmnam vtrb °- their children were to Pericles and HoratiusTulvillsa; yet as the one hearingof, slim tune"pa their death'as he was at a folenin facrifice kept on his Crown ; theother as he was tionetr Pt" at a dedication,heldflill thepillar ofthe temple inhis hand, till the whole Ceremony ""ent>rRti"m was erforoied. So let uscontinue our devotion notwithftanding this Parcnthefis of "::.`u um aadl- p a "eq"ems- farrow, and makean endof oureveningfacrifice, concluding with the words ofthe "ram rt po/ore- .dpoflle immediatelyfollowing myText ; Thanks beuntogod, who bath givenant Menlo. nvts fa- ourbrother,and wilfgiveunto ttt all, vielory over Death andehe Grave; yea, and Hell eradiremir. roo, through 3efusChrii, &c. l' LI j O