501 F Z T O Fig 1" `U M: O R T H E K IN G O F F E A R E S Frighted and Vanquished. SERMON XLIV. Hofea. 13. 14.. O Death, I will be thyplagues. He Role is fenced with pricks, and the fweeteft Flowers of pi;./.,1. e < Paradife (as this in my Text) are befet with thorns or dif i_ j !sofa naleitur culties, which after I have plucked away, the Holy Spirit rPina veriur afliftingme, Iwill open theleaves, and blow the flowers in gnamfruria. the Explication of this Scripture, and in the Application thereof finell to them,and draw from thenceafavour oflife unto life. The Thorngroweth upon the diverfity of Tranflations, Hieron. tom. for Rabbi Shelámo larchereads the words,Ego ero verbatua mens. in t'roph. o mort, Iwill be thywords O Death. AbenEzra, ero caula tue mortis, Iwill bethe' Hof". '3' cauf ofthy death. , Saint Jerom, .Eromort tua ô mort, ODeath fwillbe thy death, monsua J mon idea mer- OHellwill bite thee : and he.conceiveth> that when our Saviour defcended into ,uur ¡u m, ne Hell,and his fiefh in the Gravefaw no corroeption,he fpake theft words to Death and to mea mono kIell moriari,, ero