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The -DinaofFearsfriohted. 5 03 elkeft aculeus tour? O death where iç thyfling? thus we arc to conflrtte them ; as á! oona hornet orfrpent when hieflingis pluckedout can donohurt toarry.other; batT f ter Caly. í bNne disth it felf; fo Death is difarmed by Cbnfl and left at good .0dead t for as David , ¡ ,",Pr, ,d cut off(Jonah: head withhis own fword,.and It u4däs ran through his cnémy with' eft ego fro iid< his own (pear; fo CI-16f conquers over Death bydeath; in as much as by his tciii ritN, m<rm n` poral death he fttìsfiedbothfor the temporal and the eternal deathof then, that be- 'd°" ìy1' lieve in him. And as he conquered Death by his death, (o he dcflro ed theGrave °°fìì` nmain- q i p[iar'perdere. by his burial ; forfuffering his body to be imprifoacd, and afterwards breaking the gatesand bares oftheprifon, heleft the paffage open to all his members to come out after him theinhead. Thefe facred and heavenly myfteries arc(brined in the letter of this I cat ; for although the Prophet fpeaketh to the lfaelites, and maketh a kindof tender unto themof redemption from temporal death, anddeliverance from 1 corporal captivity ;, yet to confirm theirfaith thereinhe bringcth in the promife of cats. eternal redemption, from whencetheywere to infer, ifGod will redeemus from eter- ; bfrhea` 0,rú4 nod, how much morefrom temporal death ; if he will deliver ids out ofthe prifon of, ?-,",vi, ¡pa[. the grave,howmuch more out ofcommon Goals? what though our enemies have never: ci'nNm ab ,eat fo great a hand over us, what though they exceed' in their cruelty, and putus toall cxtr-emity,anddo their wort againft us ; their crueltycannot extend beyond death, `"md" <RfNp< nor their malice beyond the Grave : but Gods power and mercy reacheth farther. r'°' mar eo Jr y P Y pNfttr°, <rg°fi Forhe cao,and he protisifeth that he willrcvive us after weare dead,andraifeus after lgoando defp.- wc are buried; hew ill pluck deaths fling out ofus,.and us.out of the bowels ofthe !4üe no, d**. Grave. Death, bath not inch power over the living, northegraveover the. dead, as j "'4t Nï no" Godhathoverboth, todejlroythe one, and wallow up the other intoviÉlor . For there- fore the Son ofGod vouchfafeth to tafle death,. that Death mightbe fwellowedup by "a, ;solo: no ham into viçlory. Although Death fwallow tip all things, and-the Grave fhut up dio in mente, all in darknefs,yet God isabove themboth ; therefore when we are brought to the h'c t°cw.yoed ',7;11",D,., ex, Jic greater exigent, whennothing but deadaánd,tonnentsare before us, when wearc ready toyield up the buckler ofourfaith, andbreath out the laft gafpof hope, let us Chry(op. in call this Text tomind ; O death 1 will be thy plagues ! neither Death nor the Grave r Cor. r3. (hall bemy peoples bane, becaufel will beboth their bane; and change their-native, n: a:.6"Tp9e, which deflroyet.h all nature. Forto all themthat believe inme, Death fballnot bea s rra9 < a poflern, butaflreet- door, not fo much an out-let, of temporal, as anin-let ofeternal ei°' 'S .r.) life : and though thegrave fwallow the bodies ofmy Saints, yet it (hall cat therit r +es ¢vaT- up again atthe laft day. T' 5 t ba Thus the words yieldustigular comfort, ifwe take them as a conrmination and ,et nJ 9N NTO, they affordus much or more, ifwe take them as Saint 'Paul, and S. Chyfoilame dos <n,ohy, by an infoltation. As a man offeringfaerifiçe for vtllory, and full of mirth and jel i`a rrxrot .i,,a_ Boy, he leaps and tramples upon `Death, lying as itwere at bis mercy, and fings an to " "Q°A' Patin, a tr,uinpkant Pig; wherewith Gerardus a great friend of Saint Bernardo, 18or"ard. Jirm. breathed out hislot gafp, ofwhom he thus writeth; In the dead timeof the night i6''" Ca " jam ,vi paw, mrbrother Gerard flrangely revived, at midnight thedaybegan to break; dent for to in mile adhu. fee tbisgreat miracle, found a man in the veryJawsofdeath, infultingupon death, and media dkidoai exalting with joy, faying, O death, where is thyfling? 'Death isnot now afling, but a iuminabatur iooit- long, for now thefaithful mand:etb/nging,andfingetb dying, aaitNr fNr. ego, And fo having pluckedaway theprickles, and opened the leaves by the Explidation s id »ì0400t5 of the letter, I come now to finell to them, and draw from thence thefavouroflife video.,, bong. unto life, Ero pellet tote d moro. As SaintJeromewriteth ca Tertullian his Polcm- emeou/ios`ten mical Treatifes againt hereticks, .ot verba totfulmina, Every word is a thunder- moru in/Nt. fsontem bolt : fo I may truly fay of this verfe, rltsot verba tot fulmina ; So many words', fo morá1 elt mutt ut. man thunder-hairsflriking,Degtbdead: by the light whe'reófwe maydifcern three MNINr tNjam parts. non elt-(,imam, r.djobitu,,jon i. Themenaced, or party threatned, Death. ta"`andi,mori. ur z.-Themenace; or party threanin" 1. kayo, er 3,t. The-judgment menaced, plagues. ea,í- ï,,, Tti I. The