Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

The King ofFear,- frighten. 505 the old feftament in thefhape ofman of Angel, weare to nnderftand Chrift, for that all thofe apparitions were but a kind of preludia ofhis incarnation ; thcìs the Perfon here threatning can be no other than he ; bcfides, the word Eçilam in the former part of this verfe,being derived fromGal,fignifying propinquerfut,or redo- mit jure propinquitatis ; pointeth to our Saviour , who by affe mmg our nature, ' became ours_-hiebyblood,and performed thisoffce of aki»df-man, by redeeriting the Levi:. ZS. ai. inheritance which he had loft. . But we have ftronger arguments thanGrammatical obfervations,that lie who here promiled lifeto the dead, and threatneth plagues to Death, was the Son of God, the Lord ofquick and dead ; for the fame who promifeth ro redeem from-the Grave, threatneth to plague Death: but weall know that Redeemer isthe peculiarRile ofthe Son, as Creator is of the Father, and Sanctifier of the Holy Ghoft, to redemifti nos, Apec. S. e. thouhall redeemed us to GOD by thy blood, osat of everykindred,andtonatie,and people, and Nation. To the redemption ofa Have that is not ableto ranfome himfclf,tlireeat leaft con- cur; the Scrivenerwho w rhea: the Conditions ,andfealed theBonds:theparty.whd foliciteththebufinefs, and mediateth for the eaptive,and laycth dównthe filmagreed upon for his ranfome ; and the perfon in whole power the captive is, and who ac- cepteth of the ranfome ; Whichof thefe is theRedeemer i youwill all fay, he that is at the cofiofall; fo it is in our redemption from'fpirintal thraldome, the holy Spirit draweth the condition;and fealeththe Bonds ; theFather receiveth the ranfome,the Son bothmediateth for the ranfoming, and layeth down the fum ; For we were not a tote. I. t8. redeemed with corruptible tbings;ad/ilver andgold;but the precious bloodofChril ,asof g Lambwithout blemifh,betóok part ofour nature;that throisgb death he might deftro, him that hadthe power ofdeath, that is thedevil, anddeliver them who throiogh the fear ofdeath, wereall their life-time fubjer`ïto bondage: Hence Wegather that he that deftroyed deathmutt dic : but toaffirm that the immortaland eternal Spirit ofGod expired, is blafphemy, and to fay that the Father fuffered, is herch e, long agocon- demned in the Pairo-pafonr ; we conclude therefore with the Apoftic, that:the fecond perfon ChriftJefus, bath abolìfheddeath,and bathbroughtlifeand immortality I 'Tilt. t. re, to light by the Gold. And fo I fall upon my Taft Obfervation, the judgement here mentionedDavorica. 3. Thyplagues, there is no tittle or iota in theholy Scripture fttperfluous,fomemy, ! flerythereforeBeth in the number, plagues in theplural, not plague in theftngular; which I conceive to be this, that ChrtputDeath tomany deaths, andfoiled, and eon- queredinmany wayes; firflinhimfelf; fecondly inhis members. Firft, in him feltby deftroyingfin,the flingof Death.Secondly,bÿbreaking thebond; thereof iühis pow- erful Refurreetion, wherewith it was imponible that befhould be held: Secondly,ìn his membersby changing the nature of it to them, and making it of a curie a bletfing;' ofa lofs, á gain ; of a punishment, either a great honour, or a fpecial favour; or a fingular advantage t a great honour as to tbèMartyrs, who thereby acquiredf° Many' i 7,ubies to their ct'own ofglory, as they'heel drops ofbloodfor their Savióur: A fpecial favour, ac to Abraham, 3o/ìah, and Saint Au(lin, whö were taken away, that they i might net fee, andfeel the inifery, that after their deathfell on thepofterity bfthe one; thefubleíäs of the other, and the diobefi ofthe third. A angular advantage toall the I faithful,who thereby aredifcharged from allcaret,fears,forrows,and tempfations,and ' prefently enter into their Madteri joy t For bile/led are the dead that die in the Lórd, for Apbt. 14.13 i they refsfrom their Labours, and their worksfollow them: Now the mean's whereby Chrift conquered death,and utterly deftroyed it,are diverfly let downby the learned; . Tome argue a contrar,os, contrariesfay they are tó be deftroyed by their contraries : ds heat by cold, moifture by drought, frcknefs by health : Death therefore muff needs be . deftroyed by life at the contrary, but Chrift,is eke refurreítionand the life, in himwar life, andlofe was the light ofmen. Saint Anftin declareth it after this manner r Life Viti orient dying contended with Death living, andgot aglorióni andfrgnalafiitóry, Nyffcenthus, co /irxisarm the Devil catering at the ftefh ofCbriftshumane nature, di abait was caught by the "'"i''''''' ''''"4,. hookofhis divine. Saint Leo, andCbryfologus thus, if4Bayliffor Seroeantarreft the I iKingsfon, or apriviledgedperfon, and layhim up in a clofeperfon with'outcommi /on, Ttt z he`