1 `Ï he King ofFedrf friihted precifi zeal, teaprscidunt they fonear pair the nails of RomiTh fu erftitiots; that I°bti""nr piaä they make the fingers bleed; who out offear of prayingforfooth for the dead, or r<q, rxhor"a " zer rrprrfem invocating them, are Ihy of [peakingany wordofthem,or fending after them titeir iazt, de; "der: defervedcommendations,) for it ispiety to honour Godin his Saints ; it is juíiice c pp m ervw"r foam toil; trebuere, to give every one his due : it is charity ,to propofe eminent è àv;tro dram- examplesof heavenly graces and vernies(pining inthe dead, for the imitation of the da"n livin . Suchjewels ought not tobe locked up in a Coffin, as in a Casket, but to be radio more "", fetout to the view of all and furelythey deferve better of the dead, who fet s gar. ` "tent "rat. land of defervedpraifes on their life,than they who flick theirHearfe full with flow- ers.. Tapers made of pure wax burn clearly, and afterthey are blownoutr,leave a Tweet favour behindthem ; fo the fervants ofChrift, whohave caufed theirlight fo to fhinebefore men, that they may fee their works, andglorife their Father which is in Heaven: leave a good name like,afweetfinell behind them,and why may wenot blow it abroadby our breath. Deo Tatri,&c. The refsconcerning the lifeanddeath of theparty is loft. 5ò'Y FOX