02 Vox Coeli OR, THE D F4 AD S HERAULD. SERMON XLV. Apoc. x4. c slnd I heard avoyce from Heaven, faying unto me, 'trite, bledare the deadwhich die in the Lord, from henceforth, .6-c. Bi Yalnur,ibi mantis; From whence we took our Wound, from thence we receive the Cure : a voice from Heaven {}ruck all the living dead, faying, Allfle/h irgrafo,andthe glory argoodlineft ofit, is as theflower ofthe field; The graft' withereth, 6 -c. But here a voice fromHeaven maketh all whole again , and reprefenteth all the dead in the Lord living ; yea, and flooerifhing too, faying, Blèffedare ehe dead that die in the Lord. To give a touch atthe Wound, that the fmart thereof may make the fenfe of the cure more delightful : Omnis caro fiennm, amnia homo floe, eflll flefh is graft, and every man is a flower. There is difference in grafs, force is longer, and force is ihortei; fo (orne men are longer, lived, forne (hotter; fomegrafs fhootethupwith one leaf, fame with three, fome with five,or more : fo force men havemore intheir Retinue, force fewer, force none at all. Some grafs withcreth before it is cut, as the graft on the houfe-top ; fame is cut before it withcreth, as the grads of the field': fo fornemen decay before theSythe ofDeath cuts them; all otherafter. Likewife Efap40.6. NaganK de ob caufar.. d.pe xaiq 9.éµ9>e, xstiew 7.vótttYO0.