Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

5 t o VoxCceli, or, Likewi(c, there is a great differenceamong flowers. r. Some are for fightonly,notfor thefinell,or anyvenue in medicines; as Tulips, Emims, and Crown-fmperials. Some for fight and fmcll, but of no ufe inMedicines: as Sweet-williams, the painted Lady,and July - lowers generally. 3. Some are both for fight and finell, but offrngular fife in Medicines, as Rorer and Violets. So fome men are ofbetter parts, and greater ufe in the Church and Common-wealth, others oflefs. Some flowers crow in the field,fome in the gar- den: fofomemcnslivesand imploymentsarepublick ,othersprivate. Some flowers arc put in Pofics,fotne in Garlands,fome arecall into theStill : fo (otnemeuare bet- ter preferred than others,andfame live and die in obfcetrity. Laftly, fome flowers prefently lofe their colour and fcent,as the /Varciffue ; fome keep them both long, as the red Rafe : So fome men continue longer iu their ` bloom, grace and favour ; others for a short time, but all fade, and within a while are either gathcred,cutdown,or withered of themfelves anddie. And for this rea- fon it is as I conceived, that we flick herbs and flowers on the Hearfe of the dead,to fignifie, that as wecommit earth to earth, andafhes to aJhes ; fo wepar graft togrf and flowersto flowers. For, Omnis care feenam, Ail feefh itgraf', andall ehe,Qooriinefi tbcrcof ethe flowerof thefield, thegrafi mithereth, and theflowerfader!) away , But the comfort is in that which followeth ; Bat the word of the Lardendureth for ever, and this is thewardwhich by the Gotßelis preached time you ; Whereof this verfe which 1 ! I haveread untoyou for myTeat, is part. Which Saint John inferreth as a conclufion or corrollary upon the conclufion of theSaints andMartyrs lives,this conclufion is inferred upon two premifes, t The end of their labours. z¿ The rewardof their work. TheSyllogifmne may be thus formed. All they who are come to an end of their labour, and have received liberally for their work, or arc paid well for their pains, are happy: Butall thedead that die in the Lord, are cometo an end of their labour, for they refsfrom their labours, and receive liberally, for their worksfollow them. Ergo, all thedead that die in the Lord are happy. As in other Texts,fo in this we may borrowmuch light from the occafion of the fpeech which herewas this; SaintJohn having related in a vifion a fearful perfecuri- IPfal,io.ir. onto-fail in the latter times, wherebythe earththou ldbereaped,andtheSaintsmowen like graft, and true believers like grapes preffed in fads fort, thattheir bloodfhould Sori,oa, in come out of the wine prefs, even to the horfe belkes, breaketh into an Epiphonema, han,1e adoo- vest P. here is the patience of the Saints ; that is,here is matter for their patience, rite, Tant? fps and faith to work upon: Here is theirpaeience,to endure for Godscaufe,whaefoevcr °onfolatrrr p;or, man or devil caninflift upon them : to part with any limb for their head Chrife Je- ff abitlaArias fus, gladly to forfeit their cfeates on earth for a crown in heaven: chearfully to lofe pr°pr`s ryll n°- their lives in this wail of tears, that theymay find them in the rivers ofpleafuresthat "1 ridmnnw t`fr g tr "aam fprin; at Gods right handfor evermore.Here is workfor their faithatfo,to Iceheaven de ed fi,pptiai- as it were, through hell; eternal life in prefent death, to [active thatGod numbreth tan fr n+prnr everyhair oftheir bead,and that everytear they fbed for his fake (hall be turned into a pearl, every drop ofblo6d into a Ruby to be fee in their crownof glory. To meritata, beat) confirm both their faith, and patience Chrifl roclaimethfromheaven, thathowfo- !firni, 1ui tern. P P po.a,;amv;rara everin their life they feemedmiferable;yetin their death they f fall be mofe blcfled, a,itrmiet in and that the worfetheir enemies cando, is to putthem in prefent pot-let-lion of their fnc ¡ecnit,a:er. happinefs ; Bleffed are thedead, &c. Sofaith the whatfoever theherb faithto tuna adipifaan- . the contrary. twin aim. Here we have r. A