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The Deady Herauld. t.SAPropofition, Defide, offaith. 2.2A Depofttion, or tefIimony of the fpirit. SA Propofi-ion of the happy ethate of the dead. ZAdepofrtion of the holy Ghoth to confirm our faith therein; t. Saint John fees down his relation. 2. A moth comfortable affertion. 3. Amolt throng confirmation. The relation ftrange, of a vaycefrom beaven,without anyBeaker. The aflertionas firange, of a pofefonwithout anowner ; a blefledethate ofthem, who according to the Scripturephrafe, are laid not to be. TheConfirmation as ftrange as either, by an audible teflimony of an invifble wit- neft ; Sofaith the Birit. Or becaufe this afleveration concerning the condition of the Saints departed, is propofitionreffaria (as the Schools fpeak) we will death themembersofthe divifion with terms apoditlical, and inthis verfeobferve, I. (eil conclufonfientifrcal, whereof the partsare: I I. TheMid? indefinite, mortal, the dead. { z.The attributeabfolute, beati, bleffed. I 3.,Thecaufe, propter loam, the Lord, or dying in the Lord, z. ,Theproofdemonflrative, and that two-fold. I. (Apriori. 1 i.SBy a heavenly oracle, l hearda voyce, &e. z. A divine tefiimuny, So faith the[irit. 2. 1.4 pofhriori, by arguments drawn. e. (From their ceffation from their work, They re" fiom their labours. Their renumeration for their works , Their works follow z. 1, them. Where thematter is precious, a decifionof the leaff quantity is a great lofs: and therefore (as the fpie of nature obfervcth) the ?ewellers will not rub out afmall elawd, orflitch, in an orient Rab,, becaufe the leffening the fubfance will moredif- advantage them, then tise fetching out o the fpot advance themin the laie; Neither will the Alcumifts lofea drop ofquinteffenee; nor the Apothecaries a grainofTetar, nor an exa& Commentatour upon holy Scripturesany f0Uabler ofa voycefrom bea- ven,the eccho whereofis more melodiousto the foul, than anyconfort ofmoth tune- able voyces upon earth canbe. inwhich regard Thold it fit to relinquith my for- mer divifcons, and infifi upon each word ofthisverfe (asa Bee fittethupon eachpar- ticular flower) that we may not lofe any drop ofdolirinsfweeter than the honey, and the honeycomb, any leafofthetree oflife, any dull ofthegoldofOphir. i. J. there were three men in holy ScripturetermedJedt'diah, thatis, Belovedof God ; Solomon, Daniel, and Saint John the Evangelift : andto all there God made known the fecrets of his Kingdomby fpecial revelation, and their prophecies arefor the molt part of a mythical interpretation. ThisRevelation was giventoJohn, when be was in the Birie upon the Lords day ; and ifwe religioufly obfcrve the Lords day, and then be in the Birit as he was, giving our felves wholly to the contemplation of Divine myfieries: we flail altohear voycesfromheaven in out fouls and confci- ences. Heard, with whatears could Saint John hear this voyce, this heWas in a iftru/tal rapture, which ufually Ihuttethup all the doors of the fences ? i anfwer, that as .-.0.c. Ik ur o facets Gen. 42. ; r,. loreph is no¡, andSimeon is not. Muth. l(achei mourn ing for her children, and would not be comforted be- auk they are not.