Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

5 t z , Uó"t Coell, or fpirits have tongues to fpeahwitbal, IN hereof weread, tCor. t3.1. Tbosgb 1fpeak with the tongues of menand Angels : fo they have ears to hear one another, that is a fpirirual faculty, anfuerable to our bodily fence ofhearing, The Apoille faithof R 6>oju, himfclf, that he was in the fparit; and as hewas in thefpirit, fo hefaw in tlae fpirit, sr,,,berr. ;n and heard in the f irir, and fake in the' irir and moved in thefpirit, and did all il[t none in thole things which are recorded in thisl VC/hen Saint Poe,/was wrap'dsip into fpirin , raps., the third Heaven, and heard there words that cannot be uttered, and. law things (piri,uatiaura which cannot be repreferucd wichtire eye t he'truly and really apprehended thole vo`em objeEts, yet not with carnal, but fpiritual fences, wherewith Saint John heard this pacifions in- vie. cadem(pi- YOYee. .. «de(sam A voycefromHeaven. The 'Pythagoreans taught, that the Ceeleflialfp1kars by repisndam ,ft's theregular motions, produced harmonious founds: and the Pfalmift.tcacheth us, that in eundem V,' the Heavens declare.the,glory of God,and thefirmament fheweth his bandy work, and um aredirepof let in that there is no fpeech nor. language where their voyce is not heard; but that was fuâ per. , f d, the voyce ofHeaven_ltfelf,'demonftrarivelyproving, and after a fort proclaiming Pfal.19. r,;. the Mij fry of the Creator. But this is vox de culo, a voyce from Heaven pro- nouncedby Godhimfelf,or formed byan Angel; fo Gafper Adelo exprefly teacheih Mato i4 -4P"' us. Saint John heard a voyce, not founding outwardly, but inward!yframed by that e. Doan anon. Angel, who revealed unto him thew{tole Apocalypfe. corporalem na_- I Saint Johnhere.heard a voyce from Heaven commanding him to Write; and Saint yet ahail tire- ! e/íuflin heard a voyce-fromHeaven commandinghim to Read, Tolle,leoe ; and moil pentum, feed su- ÿ requifite it is; that ;where Heavenfpeaks, the earth fhouldhear,. andwhere Godwrites, pe,Rg.!m ithatmanthou/dread. Therenever yet carneanyvoycefrom Heaven,which it didnot qui mom ai much import and concern the earth to hear. The firflvoyce that came from Heaven, ..s-peealyp(1n washeard on Mountginai; andit was toconfirm the Law cobeof divine atttharity, chi lio jeebenee, and eftabliili our faith in God the Creator.A fecond voyce from Heaven wehearof in 7eyelRvi:. St. Peter on theholy Mount,when the Apoftlesweretherewith Chrifl,and it was to confirm theGofpel,and to eflalalifh ourfaith inChris`} the Redeemer. A third voyce, a Pct. a. ts. (orfound) -was heard fromHeàven.ift the upper room,vvhere Chrif a Apoflles were affembled in the day ofPentecof , and it v-vas toconfirm our faith in the holy Ghofl Alb2. z. the Comforter. A fourth voyce that carne from Heaven, was heard by Saint Peter inavition,and it was toconfirmof r faith in the l'atholickChurcb, and the-Commu- Ads to. U. neon ofSaints, and the incorporating both 7ewes,and Gentiles in one myfticalbody. Lafily, a voyce was heard from Heaven by Saint John in this place,to eftablifh our faith in the laft Article of the Creed, concerning the happinefsof the dead, and the glorious eftate ofthe Triumphant Church,andt!elifeofthe World tocome. Ifwe de- Asnb. í9al7ur. fire to beinformedconcerning the affairs ofthe Abiffens,or thofeof C'hina,Sumatra, l' or Japan ; we confer with thofe that areof the fame Country,or have travelled into- quid mono parts : and for the like reafon, if we defire to he inftrueced concerning the sß quad xu c a fain, audit Biro ffate andcondition of the Citizens of the-Heavenly 7erufalem;their infinite number, :.Prune.; ad their excellent order, their fingular priviledges, their everlafting joyes, their feafls, u,-aure, per- fu, ¡ their robes, their palmes, their thrones, their crowns ; we mull enquire of them guram yeti,. who either are inhabitants there,orhave brought usnews frornthence ; nothing but Galper ale!, a voy ce from Heavencan enforce our affent to thefe heavenlymyfteries. (aibene ,.ant Now as all words of Kings are of great authority, but fpecially their Edith And vote: yu»dad Proclamations ; fo all voycesfromHeavenarehighly to be regarded and religioufly 'rumrta obeyed, but efpeciallyDecrees and Statutes which are commandedby the authority aunt ad finem urine per;avo_ ofthe high .Court of Heaven, to be written for perpetuity ; such as this is, in my rareMoo. Text; 1 hearda voycefromHeaven, laying eellar.l a de K'rite,witha Pen ofDiamond,in letterartever tobe obliterated;write it fo that it: erg. Doi non may be readof men inall fttcceedinn Ages, even to the laftman that (hallflandupon' ji çh,;f{e & ,,... the earth. Here I cannot fufftciently admire the boldnefs ofCardinal Rellarmine,; pßolo fs pet who todifparage the neceility of holy Scripture, and cry upunwritten traditions, prpaf;eum Der- which are the beft evidence hecan produce for his new Trent Creed; blufheth not Dei eoar to ublifh it to the World in print, that the A o /es and Evan eÌ is hadno coin-; elandi ad feria. P p p 1` MI- ,Y ,uram ipeìm& nandfromGod to write. their Gojjielsand Epi files, but that they wrote upon the ew treaty ç