Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

Thé Deadr Jlerauld 513 treatyof fomo friends, or fome emergent óccafions. Were there no other Text in semi momenta all the holy Scriptures but this, nor word in this Text but this one, write, it were Cbr'fit . przte- alone ful icient to convince him ofgrofs ignorance, ,if not rather giving the lie to Pjii°, & P Iii own knowledge. But yet farther, rather to confound him with t}tame,then con- Jt.rcr,,, aGi se- k $ Y flarepr, e. vince himwith evidence; Bothnot the Apoftleaffirm in general of the whole Scrip- n°mini nan- ture, that it is given byDivine infßirationl and what is infpiringbut a kindof d . o Icrtbtrp qa di&ating to all the Pen -men of the holy Ghoft ? anddoth not he that di &ateth to to nu -9uam l.- anóther, both tell him what'he !hall write,and bid himwrite it? Betides in the of .4 ocal e, i. ro, t t: Saint John heard agreat voyce a trumpet,. laying s hill. Mae the e p ypf ver g % ae o f et p / a y g ; thæar ea oeca- / am a 1pha, and Omeea, the firff and the 14, andwhat thoufeet write in fr Book. (onéftripfiffe, Thirdly, hefides the general command of commiting the wholeWord ofGod to &t. writing, and a fpecial mandate for the writing the Apocalypfe, we have a fingular' The tieb+ews precept for the writing the precife words of this Text ; and muff not that needs who ray ofone be thrice wortby our oblervation,' which is written by a threefold command ? and that is dead, what is that? that he is not, Tiledare thedead, if the dead are bleffed, the deadare, for an argument si terito mean not ädjacene adfchndnm,evcr holdeth if thè. rearms be taken in.theproper fence. The not a,. ail,ebut Metaphjficksdemonfirate, non cutisnulluseffeafeffiones, that fuck things as haveno he is not in the exiftence.have no qualitiesdor real attributes : butblefiednefsishere attributed to the world, o,sp- dead,the deadtherefore are.And the Philofopher who being demanded whether the pcafs tíóí a.. living or the dead were more innumber? anfwered, that doubtlefs the living, quia along othe is to mortui nefont quidem, becaufe the dead werenot to be reckoned upon, inregard now they are notat ail,fpake without book,and uttered that whichis mofl falfe,as we it not. learn from the mouth of Truthhimfelf; who not only affirmeth that thedead are, but that they are alto living, though dead to this World; yet not to the World,yet not to the World to come; dead to men, but not dead to God, have yenot read Luke ao, 3S. faithour Saviour,wbat isfpoken untoyou byGod, laying; Iam the GodofAbraham, andtbeGodoflfaac,andtbeGod of jacob,God,inot the Godofthedead,butofthe living, Anbrof: toe. forati live to him? but are all the dead bleffed? the Textanfwereth,all thedead that Pr. cis. ga r die in the Lord; That die in the Lord? Yea, butyou will fay, thofe that are already P ieF3 " "ori dead, cannot die, what then is the meaningof this phrafe; the dead that die in the aefp. pin ,flora_ Lord ? Saint Ambrofeanfwereth,he that is dead already cannot die in the famefence en+ur nand. that he is dead, but he that is already dead in one fence, may befail to die in aho- P^"[9"'" mo- ther; he that s dead tothe World, asall the regenerated who have the deeds riantar corpora, is ofthefiefh, may afterwardsdie to thebody, andfo dieinthe i ord, that is, breath out his foul into the hands of the Lord, This is found Divinity,and a true propofition, but no true expof[tion of this place ; in which the latter femeth to be a limitation of the former: as Godis near to all thatcall uponhim, yea, all thatcall uponhimfaith- rfal.'4s,IS. fuly ; fo here,ble/adarethe d4ad,what all dead howfoever theydie ? no,butallthat die in the Lord. There is much variety, among the interpreters about the interpretation of this phrafe, to die in the Lord. Some will have the meaning thereof, to be thofe that die for the ('briflian faith, and foal the iruththereof with their blared. And they alledge for themfelves, firft parallel textsofScripture, 'whereinthe prepofition in; is put for pro : for as Cleo. ill ".. r3. Onines in tobenedicentiir, allNatiins[hall be bleffed its thee, thatis,for thee, and in thyfeeil,t hat is,foar thy feed ; andGen.z8.iS. fervivi Berachel, word for word. Ifervedin Rachel, that isfor Z ache!. Next they alledge theantecedents, together with theoccafionof theft words, verfe sa. here is the pa- Hence ofthe Saints, hereare they that keep the commandmentsof God, and thefaith offtßuCbri0: and truly themain fcopc ofthe Textfeemeth tò be;toartnthe god- lywith patience, and to encourage themtofight againft theBeall,' uponwhom be- fore God execute vengeance, if it fo fall out that many ofGods faithful fervants lofe their lives: Yet that none fhould.be difinayed therewith, becaufe alfthat fo die. are bleffed, for they exchange a temporal life in thisWorld, for an eternal in ano- ther. Thirdly,fay they,it cannot be well conceivedhow any can die, in Domino, ist the Lord, who is the Lord of life, if we-tàke the prcpc 1tion inthe proper fence : for though inthenatural body amembermay be cut offand die, the head being alive ; lz du z' yet