514 VaxCóeli, or, yet it is not fo in the myftital bòdy of Chrift, no true Member thereof can becut off,much lets die,while it continues in that body,by dying in theLord, thereforewe muff underftand dying for the Lord, fo they. Others willhave the words not to be reftrain_ed toMartyrs only,but to belong tò all that die in thefear ofGod,and the faith ofChrift.And they alledge forthemfelves I Cor. r t. ds.' allo a parallel Text; i Cor. 15. r8. where to fall ajleep in the Lord, is fpoken gene- rally ofall true believers departingthis life. Befides Saint Bernard and other of the Ancients apparently diftinguifh theft phrafes, mori inDomino, &mori propterpo- mintim, todie in the Lord, and to diefor the Lord: mori pro. Domino martyrum efts mori in Domino omnium confefforum, beati qui in Dominomoriuntur, quintomagi's quipro 'Dominomoriuntur t todiefor the Lord is the gloryofmartyrs, but to diein theLord, the dory of all Confe/fors: ifthey ore happy who die in the Lord, howmuch fumetheythatdiefor theLord ? I hirdly,the reward here promifcd is comdwn toall believers, and not peculiar to the Martyrs : for all truc believers when they die refs But ltoera,all from their labours,and theirworks follo u them.lf theSpirit had meant Martyrs only, thatdie for the he would rather havebid, they havecafe from theirtormcnts, thari refs from their the Lord, die igo labours,and theirtrophies and viEtories follow than. All that die for the Lord, die Muryrs, ate alío in theLord; but all that die in theLord, do not neceffàrillt die for the Lord : notexeluded we deny notthat the Martyrs have the greateft fibre in this bleffednefs, but all Con- though they feflòrs have their parts alto ; the Martyrs Crown is befit with a Ruble or Tome are not indu- richerjewel than ordinary, their Garlandkath a floiver or two more in ir, to wit, ded alone, but tome red flower well aswhite; yet the Crown andGarland of all Confeforsare all true confer as y fors with complear. And therefore not only Beda, andBernard, and Ric/audits, and .andre- them. us,and Primafius,and Haymo,and Ansbertue,and loachimus, butalfo the Greek, and vid..41cato- the RomanChurch ; yea, and the reformed allo underhand thefe words, of all that ,nut in .fpoe. die in Gods favour : for they read thefe wordsat the Funerals ofall the dead, and C. 4. not only at the Funerals of Martyrs. Yea, but how can anybe faid to die in the Lord, that is continuing his Member, Pith Chrift hash nodead Members ? I anfwer that the faithful die not in the Lordin that fenfe in which they live in him;but inano. ther, they die not fpiritually, nor ceafe tobehis myftical Members ; but naturally, that is, they continuing inChrifts faith and love, breath outtheir fouls, and fo fall afleep inhis bofome,or die inhis love,laying hold ofhimby faith,andrelying on him by hope, and embracing him by charity. All they die in the Lord, who die in the aft ofcontrition, as Saint Auflin, who reading the penctential Pralins with many tears, breathed out lais lait gafp,Gghing for his fns. Or in the aft of charityas St. Jerome, who in a molt fervent, or vehement exhortation to. the love of God, gave up the Ghoft. Or in the aft of Religion, as Saint Ambrofe, whoafter he had received the bleffed Sacrament, in heavenlyrapture, and a holy parley with Chrift, left the body. Or in the aft of Devotion as Aquinas, who lifting up his eyes and hands to heaven, pronpuncing witha loud vaycethofe words of the Spoufe in theCanticles,Comemy beloved, let usgoforth, went out ofthis world. Or in the Aft ofgratulation, and thanf- giving, as Petrna Cele,inuo, who repeating that lait verte of the lait Pfalm, Omnis fpirttss landet Dominum , Let everybreath , or every one that kath breath, praifethe Lord,breathed out his foul. Or in anAEI ofdivine contemplation, as Ger- fen that famous Chancellor of Paris, who having explicated fifty properties ofdi- vine love, concluedboth his Treatife, and his lifewith fortis ut mors dileflio, Love ie flrong as death. Toknit up all, fix forts ofmenmay lay jail claim to theblef ednefs in myText. Firft Martyrs, for they die in the Lord, becaufe they die inhis quarrel. Secondly, Confeffors, for theydiem thetord, beeaufe they die in hisfaith, and in the confeilionof his name. Thirdly; all they that love Chrift, and arebeloved of him, for theydie in the Lord, becaufethey die in hisbofome, and embracings. Fourthly, all truly penitent (inners, for they die in the Lord, becaufe they die in hie peace. Fifthly, all theywho are engrafted into Chrift by a fpecial faith,and perfevere in him to the end,for theydie in the Lor1l, becaufe they die inbid communion, asb'eing' membersof his myftical body. Laftly,