5 t 6 VoxCaeli, or, veïod; FM li. areal wayes troubled, eitherwith the evils theyfear,or the fear of evil t but when they boon <lt ''".6 I gohence, Death fets a period to all fear, cares,forrows,anddangers. And therefore, "i( t5Jwi1e` Solonfpake divinely, when he taughtCrwfua, thathe ought not to fiendbiiverdttlof fperi,arem De- any mans ba ïne s till be a to fatici exirn, Y pP li fie his end. 6. monocon Thirdly, ifthofcdead are bleffd, that die intheLord, let ùs ftrive to be of that manic ui cl,,- number, ramas tr nosmóriamur cam eo, Let usgo anddie With him, and in him i bra, dr Bitona And that we may do fo, we muf± firft endeavour to live in him ; For.eornelius at vinentit, eä .a Lapida, his collcétion ismolt true ; As àman cannot.dieat R, pme,robo never lived perica[i, obonxi beatirndo me at !(ome: fo nonecandie in Cbrifl,wbo never lived in hita; and none can live in him, :ar,enin pia- who is amt in Min; firft then wemult labour to be inhim ; and how may we com- esiu,n, & toro pals this? Chrift himfelf teachcth us : I am the Vne,andmy Fiber is the Husband. na pax" man, everybranchthat beareth notfruit inme, betaken, away, andevery branch that Ionap, cornd a sapid, beareth fruit* purgeth,that it maybringforthmorefruit; as the branchcannot bear comment in fruit of it{elf except to abide in the Pine, no morecanye exceptye,abide in nie. Hence ../Ipot. t.14. at welearn that we cannotbear frui"t.in Chrift, unlcfs as branches we he ingrafted into coma wort him ; now that a graft may be inoculated. non pooch, era one noi vixity i,sgni hi Domino non vixit in 6onon *airier. )olai 5. r,3,4 Aper. 7.13. r. ('There mutt bemade an incifion inthe tree. 2.-)Thegraff or fyencemuft be impedin. 3. )Afterit is put in, it muff be joynedfait to the tree. The inci/ion is already.made, by the wounds given Chri1, at his death many incifions werémade in the true Vine that which puttethus in , or inaculatetbus,' is a fpecial faith, and that which binds us faft to the tree, is love and the grace of perfeverance. if then we be engrafted by faith intoChrift, and bound raft un- to him by love, we {hall partake of the Juice of the ftock, and ,grow ingrace, and bearfruitalfo more and more, and fo living in the true Vine, we {hall die in him, and fo dying in him, we (hall reflowrifb with him in everlafting glory. Fourthly, ifwe are allured by a voycefromheaven, that none but they are 614- fed, who die in the Lord: all Infidels, .Jewes, and Turks ; yea,and fuck hereticks too as deny all specialfaith in Chrift are in a wretched and lamentable cafe ; for it is clear that unbelievers cannot live in Chrift, for the jail liveth by faith, and though hereticks, and among them our Adverfaries of Rome have a general faith% yet beçaufethey want a fpecial faith in Chrift whereby they are to be ingrafled into him, and made members of his myflical body, they can make noproof to them- felves or others, (at leafs unlcfs they renounce formof the Trent Articles) that they live, or die in theLord. Laftly , ifall that die in Chrift are bleffed , as a voyce from heaven affureth us, we do wrong NJ-leaven, if we account them mifecable: we do wrong to Chrift, if we count them as loft whom lie bath found; if we (lied immoderate tears for them from whofe eyes He loath wiped away all tears; to wear perpe- tual blacks for them, upon whom he bath put long white robes. Whatfoever our loßès may be by thcm,itcometh far (host oftheirgain: our crois isligbe,incom- parifono£ theirfuper-excellent weight ofglory ; therefore Iet us notforrow for them, as thole that have n,o / ppe: Let us not thew our (elves Infidels b toomuch lament- ing the death ofbelievers. Weep wcmayfor them, or rather for our lofs by them, butmoderately, as knowing that our lots isthéirgain, and ifwe truly love them,we cannotbut exceedingly congratulate theirfeaf#s of joy, their rivers ofpleafures, their PalmerofviEiory, their robes ofmaje/ly, their crownsofglory. Water thereforeyour plants at thedeparture ofyourdeareft friends,but drownthemnot. For whatfocver we complain of here,they are freed from there; andwhatfocver we defier here,they enjoy there: theyhunger not, butfea?with theLamb; they ughnot, butfing with Iviofes, having f fely paffed over theglafey fea; they lie not in darknefs, but poffefs inheritanceofSaints in ligbt.Theyhaveimmunity from fin,freedom from all tempta- tions, and fecurity from danger : they have reftfor theirlabours here, comfortfor their troubles, glory for their difgrace, ¡oyesfor their forrows, life fortheirdeath in Chrift, ;Ind Chriltfotall; Cui, &c. VICTOR!S