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S IIICT©RIS B7<d73E`UM; OR, THE CONQUERORS P I Z E. A S E R M O N Preached at Rotheriffe , at the Funeral of M«s Dorothy Gataker, Wife to the Worthy and Reverend Divine, Malter Gataker, B. D, SERMON XLVI. Apoc. r4. 73. So faith the Spirit, that they may re lJim their labourr, and their works folloy them. He longer a man enjoyeth the benefit of life, the morecaufe he bath to dcfire death s for cares grow with years , and fins with cares , and forrows with fins, and fears with for- rows ; which trouble thequiet, and confound themufick, i and blend the mirth, and damp the whale joyofour life : fa that he who fpinneth the thred of his life to the greatelt length, gaineth nothing thereby but this, that he can give a fuller and clearer evidence of the va- nity of the world , and yield a more ample teflimony o the mifery ofman during his abode in the fieles ; whom if we take at the belt advantage ofhis Worldly happinefs,he muflneeds confefs that he,hath nothingofall hat is pall, but a fad remembrance; nor ofthat which is to come, but a folicitous fear.