Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

ViaorisBrabæum, or fear. As after a great feat at which a man bath glutted his appetite,tiothitig remain- ethbut loathfomeand Kinking fumes afcending from the ftomack to the head, and offending the brain; lo of all the pleafurs of finpaft,nothing remaineth but a bitter tafle in the confcience,or rather to ufe Saint Bernards Metaphor,amara e- fordo vefti- gia, foul and finkingprints left in the floor where he danced after theDevilspipe; forrow and Maine for what he hath been, and fear for what he ¡hall be, mingles and fours all the joy and delight in that he is. And what is he at the bet ? a poor tenant at will ofa ruinous cottage of loam, or houfi ofclay ready to fall about his cars, with a Grathoppers leap in a fpot of ground. His apparel is but Roln raggs, his wealth the excrements of the earth, his diet, bread ofcarefulnefs, got with the fecal ofhis brows, and all his comfortsand recreations, rather as Saint dufins terms them, Retiemiferoram queen gaadiabeatoram, fauces ofmifery thandefer: ofhap- pine fs. For albeit a good confcience be a continualfeafl, and the teltimony of the Spirit an everlafingjubilee in the foul,yet the moR righteous man that breaths mor- tal air,cither by frailty,ornegligence,orditñdence,or itnpatience,or love of this pre_ tent life,or fubtilty ofperfwafions,or violence oftemptations fo woundeth his con. fcience, andgrievetb the Spirit ofgrace ; that this feaft is turned for a time into a fa/l,and theJubilee into anejulate or howling. All things therefore laid together,the fcorns of theWorld, aflaults from the flefh, temptationsfromthc Devil, rebukes from God, checksfrom confcience, fenfible failingofGrace, Ipiritual differrions, with many a bitter agony and confli& with delpair ; I cannot but perfeetly accord with thePoet in his doleful note Felice: nimium quibuaell fortune peraifa jamIna. they are but too happy whofeglafs is well ran out, and with the Evangelif in my Text beati mortai , bleffed are the deadfor they ref?from their labours, and their worksfollow them ; they raft from thofelabours, which tie us that live, and thework.' which we are to follow, follow them. A threefold cable faith the wife man is not Eccicí.41a. cap broken ; and fuch is this here inmy Text, on which the anchor of our bap hangeth. s. The teftimony of Saint lobo, rest. z. The teftimonyof the Spirit, fo faith theSpirit. ;. Aftrong reafon drawn fromtheir reif and recompence, they ref?from their la- bours, and they receive the rewardoftheir labours, they are difchargedof their work and for their work. If they were difcharged for their work, and not difcharged of their work, they couldnot be laid blef ed, becaufe their tediousand painfulworks were to return. And much letshappy could they be termed, if they were difchargedoftheir work ; but not for it, for then they ( hould lofe all their labour under theSun, they fhould have done and fuffered all invain : but now becaufe they are bothdifcharged of their work, for they ref?from their !Auer, and difcharged for their work, for their work follow them, they are molt bleffed. TheSpirit here taketh thegroundof this heavenlyniufick ravifhing the fouls of the living, and able to revive thevery deadeither from the labourers pay, or the ra- cers prize. Ifthe ground be the labourers joy for their reitand pay, thedefiant muff be this ; our life is aday, our calling a labour, theevening when we give over,our dealt, the pay ourpenny. Ifthegroundbe the racers joy for their prize. the defiant maybe this,the Church is the field,Chriftianity is the race,death is the laRpof, and i Cot. 9.14. a garland ofglory the wager, letus allfo run that wemay obtain. Yea, faith theSpirit. We read inthe Law andthe Prophets, fluefaith Jehovah, i Tim. 4.1. the Lord : in the Gofpel, Thuspeke f efuc : But in the Epiftles, and efpecially in Apoo2.7,i7. the Revelation thus faith the Spirit, now the Spirit.f,heaketh evidently, hear what Apoc.az.17. theSpirit faithunto the Churches, be that kathan ear, let him bear what the Spirit faith unto the Churches ; and the Spirit and the Bridefaith come. While Chrif abode in the f efh, ha taught with his own mouth theWord oflife ; but now lince his