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The Cóyiquerours Prize. 519 his Afccntion,and fitting in Rate at the right hand ofhis Father,hèfpéakethand Both all by his Spirit. BythcSpirit he ordanneth Paftours, furniiheth them withgifts, enliglttneththe ttnderftauding'ofthe hearers,and enclincth their wills and affc&ions, I and fo leadeth the - Churchtnto all truth. In which regard Tertu /lien elegantly ' tearmeth the Spirit, Chrifli l/icarium, ObriflbisVicar, preaching in his ftead, and MI-charging the-CHMofthe wholeWorld. Secondly, fofaith the Spirit,not the flclh, the earth denies it,but Heavenavcrreth it : when a man removeth out ofthisWorld,thefleii bcholdeth nothingbut a corps brought to the Church, and a Coffin laid in the Grave; but the fpirit difcernethyt Angel catryingthe"foul up to Heaven, and leaving it in Abrahams bofomc, till the Father ofsfirits'tall give her again to the body, arrayed in-gloriotee apparel: There is noDoftrine the Devil,theFlella,and theWorld more oppofe than this here deli- ' veredby the Spirit,concerning theblef cdnefs ofthe dead ; for all Athcifls,all Hca- then,all carnal men,all Saduces,and fundry forts of Hereticksdeny the Refurre Lion of the body ; and the greater part of them alto,; the immortality of the foul : wicked andungodly erfon bdieveth not his foul to be immortal,becaufe he would not have it (o, he would not that there fhouldbe another World,becaufe hecan have eke eosfoia. I hope of no good there, having carried himfelffo illin this, fain he would fliflie the n,m °" r"'" light in bit confcience; which if hewould open his eyes would clearly difcoverunto Pr`l"1- him a future tribunal ; yet fomctimes he cannot (mother it, and thereforeas Tay, ; , , ç- who lawa glimcring ofthis truth,obfervcth, be iswonderfully tormented ont of = fear, rum ín modem that endlefspains attendhim after this life. Well, let thefle(h, and flefhlyminded 9uar iagiaia¡e men, deem or (peak what they lift concerning the Rate of the dead.; the Spirit of °S"m Seil 'm p pens cojan fit truth faith, that all that die intfië Lordare bided. immortals con- But where faith the Spirit fo ? In the Scripturesof the old, and new Teftament, (sours. and in this eifion, and in the heart and confcience`ofevery true believer. Fill; a the Scriptures, let medie thedeath of the righteous, and let my la'l end be Numb.s;. to, ,likeunto his, refrain thy vaycefrom steeping, and thine eyesfrom tears, for thy works Jet. 3i16,t7. pall be rewarded, and there is hopein thine end, faith theLord; 'prec ous in theleghe pfal. u6, rç, 1 ofthe Lord, isthedeatb ofhisSaints: the Righteous (hall mathhisfoot on theblood of 58. the wicked, fothat a man flsall fay, veriy there is a rewardfor the righteous, Chrifl fs in ;of? and death advantage ; for I am in a llraight between two, havinga defreto de f ini r ai, s . part, and to be withChrtf, which isfar better. ü Secondly, in this vifion; for Saint John learda voycofremFleaven fa big, Write it asit were with a Pen of Iron, upon theTombofall that arc departed in the Lord,i for fo faith the Spirit. Laftly, the.Spirit fpeaketh it in the heart and foul of'every true ou his death- bed,or on the Gridiron,or in the dungcón,q'r on the gibber,or on the fag- got ; did not the Spirit Meal this truth above all other at firth times to his fervants, were not then their hope full of immortality,theyCould never have welcomed death, embracedthe flames, fling in their torments, and triumphed over death, evenwhen theywereinthejaws of it.When lob was inthe depth ofall hisnaifery ,the Spiritfpake lobtj, za,zl, in his heart, 1 know that my redeemer livetb, andthat he '.hall(land in the latter day 07. itpontheearth,andthoughafter my skin wormsdeftro, this body;yet inmyflefh (hall Ifee god, whom I(hallfeefor myPelf, andmine eyes Asabehold,;andnot another, though myrains be confirmed within me. Likewife when Saint Paul was now ready to be offered, andthe timeofhis departure was at hand, the Spirit fpake in him ;; ¡bave gTtm4.6,7, oughta goodfight, Ihaveflail/red mycourfe, Ihave keptthefaith ; henceforthtbereis laidupfor me a crownofrighteoufnefs, which the Lord the righteous judge (hallgive me at thatday, andnot tome only,. but to them alto thatlovebisappeartng. Likewife whenClerardsis wasgivingulxtheghofl, the Spirit fpake in hiní, Odeathwhere is tby As and me- fling ? Alors non eft (limuluofed jubilets : And though Ajbert glover the Martyr minims, part, all thenight before his Martyrdom, prayedfor flrengthand courage, but could feel 3' page 427' none, yetwhen he came to thefight ofthe flake, he was mightily replenifhed with Gods holy comfort, andheavenly joyes, and clapping his hands to duflin, theSpirit' eheComforterhimfcif fpakein him, He is come, he is come. You havéheard where theSpiritfaith fo, give ear now to a voyeefromheaven, de-1 X x x darin ,