92, C3 VidorisBrab2eum, or, Glaringwhy the Spirit faith fo, for they ref?from their labours, agi+, nifieth as well pain, as pains, broyls as toyls, as ,m.ì and read inGreek: fo painand pains in English, are ofkin, for labour is pain to thebody, and pain ie labour to theSpirit; aid therefore what we fay tobe punilhed and tormented with a difeafe, the Latine fay, laborare morbo, and the throngsand throes which women endure in Childbearing, we call their labouring. Here then thedead havea double im- mortality granted them. '`'From the labours of their calling. a.)ìFrom the troubles of their condition, freedom from pain, and pains ta- C king. What then(may Tome obje&)do the dead flcepout all their time from thebreath= ing out their tria gulp, to the blowing the lafa trump ? as they !infer nothing, fo do they nothing ï but are like Confit ütbulus, who held onlyaroom, and filled up a Rank in the Roman faf?i, ?lam bibulo fal?um confute nil memini. yid vite. A- or like mare mortuum,without any morion or operationat all ? that cannot be, the mr.to=d, foul is-eb;a'xr.: or rrdla;xsa,a moft perfe&A& ; or as Tullyrenders the word,// con- Lid vive, lib. douai motion, as the word is taken in that old proverbial verte ; t. de in. Krrarrsrrr a(2ea. p"rir eidkrr e:ikaixeea. and it can nomore he and not work,than the wind can be andnot blow,the fireand nottburu, a diamond and not fparkle, the funand not thine ; therefore itisnotfaid here fimply, that they refs from all kind ofmotion or working ; but ánà and àaè ''don. adz , but from toylfoinclabours , fore travels ; and gain from theirown labours or works,uot theLords. They keepan everlaffingSabbath in nos doing oftheir ownworks but Gods, they reft from finful and painful travels, but not from theworks of a, fan&ified reft, for they refiner dayandnigh laying, holy, holy, Apor. 4. 5. holy, LordGod Almighty, which was, which w, andCato come. The reíf.of the foul is not a ceafing from all motionor operation, thatcannot Hand with the natureof a fpirit, but a felling it felf withdelight uponan all-fatisfying and never fatiating ob- 'r fah ano.6. 1 je&, filch was the reft, the fweet finger oflfrael called his foul unto, returnunto thy IApoc 4 10,1í.1 ref?, Omy foul, for the Lordbath dealt bountifully with thee. Bodies- reft in their vid, htolin, laces, but iritsintheirproper eet in the ontc, lation,fruition,admi- lsratt. Eau. de proper P P P' P Ì, mP suoam. ration, andadoration whereof, confilfeth their everlaffingcontent. This obje& is EaléLrt.t ;. God, whom they contemplate in their mind, enjoy in their will, adore in both, and otymp, in rr. this is their continual work, andtheir work is their life, and thcirlife is theirhap_ 41`1";"-7,""71' pinefs,which the Divines-fitly exprefs in one wordglorification, which muff be taken igie"r orowe both a&uall and paffively, for they glorifie God, and God lorifieththem - God ìtt",Rn, true is Y+ P g g ; glorifieth them by cafting the full light of his countenance upon. them : and they inrn,pi ¡eete- glorifie him,by refle&iugfome light back again, and rafting their crowns before him, rum 112,6°"e% I laying,. Thouartwortby,OLord, to receive glory, andhonour, andpower,for thou haft fvt in hone /tá created all things, andforthypleafureíhty are, andwerecreated. vireneum do- prrhendir"r, bum rum mori They re(? from their labours. arui in cogra. d"rang"ee. or- This Text ofholy Scripture containeth in it, the watersofSiloabnot fo much to Linepo -man', in refreth tho that red with their former labours; bovine born the heat of the eternum le are ty f nom vet rrgrri- whole day,as to leave out the falle fire ofPurgatory, for bleffednefs cannot Band with in [ontot mifery, nor reft with trouble, nor rewardwith punitfunent, but all that die in the le ¡Wall, //ter Lord are blefléd, d,,n ii, that is, atempore mortis,from the time oftheirdeath (as Wi- no C', Jn for nerable Beda, and other expoundthe words) and fobleffed arcthey, that they-riff nano: vette tel from all pain and pains ; and fo ref¡ that their works follow them; that is as I¡hall de- chare