The Conqueróurs Trig, . 5 2 i clare hereafter, the reward of their works. if this leavehot out the Romilh fire, n,bri, r cmcia'n which fcarcth the livingmore than the dead, and purgcrh'their purfes,and not their <," i"P"eir'& p >incápe h Jue foul, we may draw ftote ofwater to 'quench it out ofdivers other Texts. of holy n,,a ,;abate. Scripture,asnamely, Firft, Iftbe treefall towards the .s*uth,ortotvards the north,inthe çypriddpjLeX, placewhere thetreefalleth,thereit /hilIbe.Which "Fest Ohmpioaorte, thus illuítratcth, 4"a in whatfoever place therefore, whether of light or ofder ne s ; whether in the wor o f m f''''' f k f k f na[[w lam. pa wiekednefi, or of vertue, a man is taken at hit dath, in that degree and rankdoth he ;tent;! ter,, , remain either in light with the jufr, and Chriptl the King of all, or in darknefs with eft, ,line f sit the wicked, and Prance of the world. Fo little purpofc therefore is alithat :s, or can f alono l- bedoneforthedcad, afrer they have-taken their fare viicl ofus, after we arnerom 7,::::t,77. hence, there remains no placefor repentance orpenance,no efîf or benefit o atis atli- , on, krelife is either loft or obtained, but if thou O. DemttrianfaithSaintCyprian, even infra ,;moor at the very end, and letting of thy temporal life doll prayfor thy fins, and calluponthe talitatem (rib only true God with confegionandfaith, pardon is given untothe confeffing thyfins, -and PI' matte rran- ¡t"r. favinggrace is granted to thee by the divine piety (or mercy) and at thevery moment tit:taphr,in ofdeath, thou haft apaffage to immortality. ; "def. Secondly, Ecclef.'z. 5. ,5 Cangoeth tohis lone home, and theMourners go about Ka; ;p9f ypx theflreets; Which words Gregorius of 2\Teocefarta, thus paraphrafeth, ihegood 9ù cis ",,r",, swanfhallgo to his everlafling houfe rejoycing, but the wickedfhallfillall with lamenta- d,,,,; o, iar tons. And S. Cyprian alluding to this pall-age refolveth, that after this temporalltfeis xa;aroP9at-` end,d,meare diverflr bejtowedat theInner ofdeath, orimmortality ; at. neither of which Tm, d.ds qa hangeth any fgnof Purgatory, as any man may fee. a) m r "° Thirdly, Luke 16. zz. I he beggar died, andwas carried by e./Ingels into Abrahams .,1- tp<arA/o ee." bofome; This beggars cafe Machareue a learned Monk ofEgypt maketh a prefrdent >orr°ep,t,e,. for all the fervantsofGod, who when they remove out of the body,thequires of angels Cypad Demet, receive their fouls into their own fide, into the pure world, and fo brings them unto ' a""a temporatir' theLord. :AndSaint yerome raifeth a thong fort ofcomfort upon the ground ofthis flu c lto d parable ; Let the deadbe lamented, butfuch a one whom hedoth receivefor whole pain ,:77,,"7,7,,I. everlafting fireclothburn, but let us whole departurea croupofeflnaels doth accompany, tali, hofpiria whom Chrift comethforth to meet, account it agrievance, ofwedo longer dwell en this ,.,.,unit. tabernacle ofdeath. And as e./94achareuaand Saint Jerome, fo Samt Hillary allo Host. 12. draweth a general rule from their example, that asfonas this life is ended, every -one t sn9a'm Without delay is feneover, either to rbrahams bofome, or to the place oftorment, andin ;.:.;°.'"3: ° thatftateare referved till the day ofJudgment. ix`Pi1 "v. Fourthly, Lu¢e 23.43. Thisday thoufralt be with me in Paradife ; and 'Philip. I. '''a' m 13. 1 defere to be diffolved, and to be with (hrofl ; and z Cor. 5. IS. If our earthly ''''4? ,, mr tabernacle be digolved, wefhall have an eternal in the Heavens, andwhen *e are ab- ; °VT6ry'tal l°-' tent from the body, we are prefeeee with the Lord ; Fromwhence Joefline Martyr in- ' x"r i'; T "a Ferretti, .ifter tb, dep rture of the foul out of the body, there is prefently made a do- '" 0 d sg' *w flinition betwixt the jug and unjufl, for the foulsof the righteous are carried by rin- ste5"ej' "i. gels onto Paradife, where they haze commerce, and fght of ingelr andArchangels,!' :',0s ¿cecs but the fouls of the unjuft to hell ; and Tertnllian collefteth that it is an injury to '°''áytt, od Chrilt, to hold that inch as be called from hence byhim,are in a ftate that f could be "Vt1.- Jerome pitied,whcrcas they hayeobtain ed the chief aim of theirdefires, ofwe repine at this,' `1'.15rz ing¡ed that others have obtained this their de/ire, by this our grudging at it weteem to be iue quen ge- henna fefeepit iiuem tartar,: dews in cnjut pmnamatecone ignieefluae, non gnornm tzitumAngeloritmturbocotntnìtator, quibtet ob- viam chrifiumeùer,iteravemormage fi diutitu in tabernarulo ;flymenu habiremne. Hillar. in Pfal.2. nihilillic dila- tieu,aur mon ell stmpir Wert,, habit nnuoqu<mg; fuselegibue,dum adjudieiununremquemq; ant.Airaha finn. refervat out!Jana lnfiineMart. Iii. qo e refp. Mí+á eLL T , ea x, °ielcohg. éÿoer his, yi,uo<y F tlbtgipg, ni % a"., ¡busies_ ä?e,zret yap , F e5euiav 4áxoî tzr ä7fíaar cis 4:ár eiere ácer. ere. Tenn!. t. de (Mt. ergohet: vatum fi ptie, confcussi impátïeniur dilemut ïpfcentgee nalomoi; unwillling to obtain the like, and' his f¢hollar St: Cyprian cenfureth them yet more feverely, who either fear death or leave this difcontent: it isfor him to Cryp, de maim!. epee eft mortem t'mere yeti ad ChriThem notice ear death who is net willing to óa to Chrift it is for him to be unwilling to go to ire 7n. eft dd Chrifl who loth not believe that he beginneth to reign with Cbrifl ; if thou dolt chjifl7tnolleire truly believe in god, and art fecure of his promife, why dolt thou not embrace the I:emChrulp X x x z neeffage Iripe reregnare.