Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

5/2 Vi&oresBrabættm, or, me(/age that thou art called.to Chilli i why doll thou not rejoycethas thin(halt be rid "; of the deist!? Fifthly, t John 1.7. Theblood ofChriflpurgeth us from allfin : no-fin. is therefore left for Purgatory fire to burn out. Were there fins to be purged yet after the night of this prefect life, there is no place left (faith GregoryNazianten) for purging; it is better to be correlledandpurged nom ( faith he ) than 'to be fens to torments there' where the timeofprecifbing is,. andnot.ofpurging. But to leave other fprings, this inmy Textatfordeth (lore of water to estinguith Purgatory fire ; and therefore our adverfaries leek to dam it up two manner ofl wayes : First by reftraining thisText to Martyrs oniy,whodie in the Lords quarrel,' though their fouls flie to heaven, their wings being not tinged with this fire : yet others (fay they) are not faved, but after tome time of abode in is. Secondly, bycooling the heat, of this fire, and making it not only tolcrable,but alto comfortable, bearing us in hand, that they that are in Purgatory may be laid to be bleffed, becaufe they reff from the labours of this life,and they are Iccure of their! eternal eflate, theyare lure to feel no other hell. From the firft {farting holol have beaten themalready,by demonfhrating, that all that believe in Chrifl are ingrafted by faithintohismyftical body, and confequently, thetas they live in him, fo theydie in him ; in which regard the Apoflle(peaking of all that depart in the faith ofChrifl; faith, they Beep in the Lord, and die inChrtfl. Their fecond ftarting-hole is lets fafe than the former, for to fay that this bleffednefsand Purgatory pains may fubfifl the fame foul,is an aflèrtion neither politick nor reafonable. 1 irftit is notpolitick ; for if they cool Purgatory firein filch fort,they will flop thePopes Mintfromgoing; perfwade thevulgar that the fouls inPurgatory are in a tolerable, nay (iii fome fort) ina bleffed cflate, becaufe they cefifrom their aböurs, and their worksfollow them; and the Priefls may let their heart at reff for gainingany remarkable sums for Dir- ges, and the Popes tole- gatherers alto for fucking any great advantage out . ofpar- dons to ranfomefouls out of Purgatory. And as this anfwer Ilandeth not withtheir profit.: foneitheragreeth itwell with their own tenents ; for they teach that Purgatory fire isas hot as Hell for the time, furpaffing the fmarteft torment that can be deviled, or ever was endured on earth: and call they thole happywho lie foultring in this fire? yea,but when theyare there they receive fingularcomfort in this, that they are fore they (hall never go to hell. Surely finall comfort to one who is in hellish torments and shall continue there he knows not how long, to tell him that he is lure he shall go tono other Hell : and how prove they that Purgatory is a fuperfedeas to Hell.? What feeurity havethey for it ? GodsWord ? but in all GodsWord there is no fyliableof purgatory, nei- ther let they the people to knowGods Word ; for in Spain, and generally where the inquiltion is inforce, theproverb is, thathefmclls ofaFagot, lobo is feundwith a Bible about him in themother tongue. Thefe things being fo,I wonder that any ordinary Pepinbe willing to die,fceing the belt he can hope for is to be call prefently into the flames of Purgatory, and there to fry he knows not how long, perhaps a hundred,perhaps a thoufandyears. But (God he bleffed for it) wehave otherwife learnedofChris and his bleffed. Apofties. we know that ifour earthly tabernaclebedíffalved, weJhall prefentlj have not a temporary habitation in Purgatory, but an eternal in Heaven: we know, that thofe who believe in Chrifl come Into no condemnation, but palsfrom each to life. Wherefore let us not takeon too much for thole whomGod hathtaken away from us ; let usnot trouble our felves forthem thatare at refs ; letus not thed over-. many tears for themwho can now flied no more tears ; let us nottoo much grieve: for them who are free from all pain and grief. And for our (elves, let usnot be asi tome are, ftrucken dead with the very name ofdeath ; let us not draw back when, God'calleth for us, when we drool, on and ourSun isfining, when the pangsofdeath give us warningagain and again to go out from henceout of our houfes ofclay ; let at embrace the day whichbringer, us to our everlafling home, which having takenus! awayfromhence, and lofedurfrom thefnaresofthisworld, returns, us to Paradifeanta the KingdomofHeaven. It=- typ. de mortal, amplet7anear dieta gaibafg- natingwlot do- filio feo e9' tar tit foca /a- >ibwt calato, pacadifn reni twit dT regne talefin. r