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TheConqúëror,c Ì'ri7,e. 23 Tt followeth ; And their Works follow them. Inthe handling of this branch, before we talke of the fweet juyce, we muff pill the root, wherein we (hall find a four-fold difficulty. t."How works areherediftinguilbed from labours; 2. "How works may be Paid to follow them, 3. Whither they follow them, 4. When they overtakethem. The firft difficulty isthus expedited : the worksof the dead are here diftinguiflied from their labours, asthe fruit from the branches that bear them, the hire from the Iday labour, the prize from the race. As thofe who tafte the fruit of a tree, are !faid by an Hebraifm to eat of the tree, to him that overcometh, (faiththe Spirit) twill give to eat of the TreeofLife which is in the midit of the Paradife of God. So `here in this Text works are taken for the fruit of works, or their rçcompenceof reward. But how are works inthisfence faid to follow tbt dead? For all the works ofthé Theîecond dead are either tranfient, as meditations,prayers, pious ejaculations,prefent relieving difficulty. the poor, and the like ; or, they are permanent as their writings , their building IColledges,Hofpitals,Churchesandother Monuments ofPiety : the former canot {follow the dead becaufe they remain not now, nor the latter, becaufe they flay be- t hind them here on earth. I anfwer, the fpeech is figurative, and fignifieth no mo- tion ofthe deadsworks, but rather promotion of theirperfons, and plentiful remn. nerationfortheir works,the phrafeimports nomore than that all theirworks,whe- ther they be aitions ofSaints, or paiiions of Martyrs,fhall not come (port of their guerdon, but (hall be moftcertainly and undoubtedly rewarded. If we follow this interpretationof theverb,reeaa ii,(may force fay)wwillnot Popi(h merit follow there- upon ? is not Heaven comilared to fervants wages? to the fouldiers crown? to the racers garland, and here to the labourers pay ? and clothnot a true labourer merit his pay ? a faithful fervant his wages? a valiant foldier hiscrown ? a fpeedy racer his prize ? this do be maybe cleared, and the queftion refolved by thefe A frertion; Hcb; t t; e. following. mat. 10.43. I. That ourgoodworks fbaSundoubtedly be rewarded ; for it isthe very di &ate of W ho(oevet nature,that he that foweth should reap ; and it is oneof the firftprinciplesof Divi- hall glro nity, that there is a God, and that he isthe rewarder of them that diligentlyfeek him: drink to one, of thole little yea, fo exaih arewarder is he, that not a widdowsMite, nor a cup ofcold water, ones, a cup of but atoll have anallowance forit. Did Jbraham, did /facie., did Jacob,did fofeph, cold wirer did yob, did Solomon, did Conflantine, didTbeodofttu and other prime frevants of only m the God ferve him for nought, did he not open the treafure ofhis bounty in fuch fort name of a nit to them,all, that they could not but in thankfulnefs fubfcribe to that proteftation of Ifay untoily the Prophetical King, verily there is a rewardfor the righteous, even in this life, and you, he (hall much more in thelife to come, for Eccevenio , behold lcomequickly, andmyreward not lofe his to with me, togive toevery man according we hiswortsfhall be, to them who bypatient teward. continuance inwell doing fleck for glory , andhonour, and immortality, eternal life ; Ape. as,, 52 whenceSaint Bernarddraweth thiscorollary, though charity r'rnot mercenaryyet fist Rom. a. 7. nevergoesfrom godempty handed. 8'er. in Cant. z. That this reward isfume waydue unto our worst, for the labourer; faith Chat, Anita nee nun eft tc ta- is worthy his hire; and the Apoflle is bold to fay,it isjslfi with Godto recompence them meri o mesee- that troubleyou, tribulation, but to your ref?; and he feemeth to claim a crown to Para. himfelfas his due, 1 havefought agoodfight, henceforth it laid rep for mea crown of 3 Thef. i . 6. righteoufneft, which the Lord thertgbteoue judge(hall give unto me ; it is faid to be given indeed , but given by a righteosu judge , and as a crownof rigbteoufnefs, and therefore fome way due. 3. Our goodworks concur aflively to the attainment ofthis reword: the words of our Saviour, fie( ye firff the kingdome ofGod, and the rigbteoufnefs thereof; labour s Tim. 4.8. for the meat thatperifheth not, andfirive to enter' inat the narrowgate, andofthe Apoftle,workout yourfalvationwith fear and trembling, and this momentaryafJliaion tiorketh