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5 24- V i6torisBrabæ.urn, or, worketh unto tu a fisperexcellent height of glory , import ¿o de1rc. 4. Notwithftanding all this, eetir good works no waymerit at Godi hand their re- ward, neither abfolutei, neither by the contra&l of the Law, nor by the covenant of grace: Not abfolutcly. F I, Becaufcno creature can limply merit any thingof the Creator, as Saint Au- o. io. ex pt.ui- flin proves by many invincible arguments. tudine b.nitatis tu' creatura 2. Becaufe our works are no way advantagiousor beneficial to God ; we indeed tua fobf,tßit, set gain by them, but he gains nothing. bonum quo"ti- 3. Becaufe there is no proportionbetween our work which is finite,and the re- bi nihii prodeF vúaed which is infinite. ft nee de 1< Neither can -we be Paid to merit by the contra&of the Law, as our Romiik ad- quale tibi eirt Y r: nrn quia x verfaries wculd bear usin hand. tt feri potuit, t. Becaufe what God requireth'bythe written Law, we are bound to perform non de .floc even by the Law ofnature ; and when we do but that which we ought to do, our quid ;aim to Saviour teacheth us not to tearmour felves arrogantly meritours at Gods hands, or promeruit ca- tnmer terra, fuck as he is engaged to recompence, but unprofitable fervants. dot. z. Becaufe we do not our workfufficicntly,and therefore cannot-challenge as due by contra& our reward, our belt works are fcanty and defeé2ive. 3. Becaufe we loyter many dayes, and though at fometimes we do a daycs work' inch as it is, yet many times we do not half a dayes work,nay for one thing wherein we do well, we fail in a,thoufand. La(tly, neither can we be truly Laid to merit, no not by the covenant of Grace. i. Becaufc the Grace whichworketh in us all in all, is no waves.rlue to us, but De gnat. c7 'mat freely givenus of God ; our works as theyare good,they are not ours,as they lib. arbir. c. g. are ours they are not good. cum poffet ..4 2. Becaufe whatfoever we do in fulfillingthe Covenant of Grace, we are bound poTtmïu ,eta to do for the ineftimablebenefits which we receivebySur Redeemer. die<re Jtipend;- 3. Becaufe ate employ not our Talent to our Matters bell advantage' ; noman um "uRida walketh foexa&I ,as he might dog the power of race; whichwouldnotbewant- vitáeterna,ma. Y P" g faitdicer, gro. ing to us, if we werenot wanting to our felves. tia salon Dei But becaufewe may feem partial inour own cafe, and take Ole reafons for de. .11 zita'terna monftrations,our Adverfaries will not acknowledge tobe fo much as probable argu- mueDeutm0gnon meats: let the ancient Fathers give in the verdiEt; Saintu4ufiin, when theApoffle er pro merit;' no- might truly havefaid, the wages ofrighteottfnefs is eternal life, he chafe rather to thy, ßrit, nos ad vi- but thegift ofClod is eternallife, that we might underhand, that he brings oss toetcr- s<m acorn", nal life, not forour merits, but forhis mercyfake. And Saint Tap, Thereremains f d pro fu= rot_ aneverlaf ing refl to thofewho fight lawfully, notfor the merits of their works, or ver- frosioneperdu- , eere> Ha¡t in batim, according to the Greek original, a ,T mofiTu s. ,c, cpaa, aatz uT rstytan e,pe oft.rt,.mauet 9e;ï ([ seppie) Not r, according to theduedebt of their works, but ofthe grace, or f,npitnn< re. by the favour of our muff munificent Clod. And Fulgentüu,. To pof efi thekingdome iii,, ilex, /7",i prepared for tu, is a workof grace, for ofweergrace there is given, not only a good ,im, osee: runs, life to thofe that are juflifred, but eternal life to thofe that are glorified. And Saint nun eb <orum Ambrofe,our momentary afflillions are notworthy the glory that[ballbe revealed,ehere- meritafatiorum fore theform or tenourof the heavenlydecrees upon men, proceed not according tome- d de munit- rits, but the mercyof God. And Marktheholy Hermite, The kingdomofheaven is centif'ma Dei grain. not a rewardof works, but a gift of God preparedfor hisfruitfulfervants. Andlet Putgt,a,de pre- Pope Gregory conclude all, As Eleazar who killed the Elephant , yet was killed by defliuet p. iS. the Elephant in his fall upon him; fo thofe who fubdue vices, if theygrew proudof ad Man;mum. their vihlory (as all do who conceive they merit heaven lay it) arefubaued by, and o(ì;dete kegum lie under thofe vices, which they .f ubdued for hedies tender the enemy whom he pa,atum yogic, dh y f r u y f d ,a hoc ip fun, bath difcomfited, who is extolledinpridefor the vice which heconquered. 'put elf gratite , exgrati',enim Batter non rotum,j.fif ativita bona,fed & glorifcatie visa 'lerna,Ambrefe inPlat. ai.Non (mat condigna. non 'ergo fecunda morita noftra, fed cundamm;¡sritordiam Dei caleÿlinmdeuetarnm in bomine, forma procedi, Rfarono Eremitade op. lur7if. 01;x ri ea0o9eì Yy yar. r; taataáu %s áP9trä Bra: ,tetgtt l'orni?. nrî, ossido ó'ár005 4r10,gytrKtrx. Grq . t. s 9. in t.b c,i7. Eleauarin patio Edepbantemfirevts,fedfa,ipfo gum txtinxisoasbeiyftb qutvitia'fsaperantes tub ipfaqua fubiiciuntfupeebiendafecr,imbnnt. The'